
Censored: Let Women And Children Die First

"Sounds like our current system. Survival of the fittest.

Thanks to Dr Mario for the vid." -James Kush
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There’s no point in saving anyone according to his logic if no one brought fishing rods and bait.
Mario Brotha
First of all, Fresco is not saying let all the women and children die, he simply states that if no one on a life raft could help navigate or procure food, chances of ANYONE’S survival would be drastically reduced. Secondly, Fresco is no longer associated with the Zeitgeist Movment, The Venus Project has separated itself over a month ago. This site completely fails in shinning any light on the true face of the movement, which is simply a growing population of people from all over the world that wants a sustainable future where everyone has what they need to live a healthy life. In so many words… it is not a cult. We have no leader, if Peter Joseph quit the movement tomorrow we would continue, because he is NOT our leader, just a guy who got the ball rolling.
Survival of the fittest, thats what TVP comes down to, just like every system before it, somebody has to die and RBE will choose who. Just like TZM says science authorizes control, moderation, hierarchy, they also want to control everything from child birth and to who gets to survive a shipwreck.
The venus project and zeitgeist want to brainwash kids behind their parents backs under the guise of “summer camps” @ about 5mins.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kT7b4p7u20k#t=6m35s
Zeitgeist movement wants to control others because science recommends authority, control, hierarchy, moderation.https://zeitgeistmovements.wordpress.com/2011/06/16/zeitgeist-members-continue-to-get-brainwashed/
These are control mechanisms. Everything from birth control and child rearing, to authority and control and finally “triage”.
This site completely fails in shinning any light on the true face of the movement, which is simply a growing population of people from all over the world that wants a sustainable future where everyone has what they need to live a healthy life.
Not true. The Zeitgeist Movement has nothing to do with a sustainable future. It is based on 9/11 conspiracy, Christ Myth conspiracy, Jewish banker conspiracy, “science is divinity in action/science is the tool for functional spirituality, man is God, science recommends :control/authority/hierarchy/moderation, “economic hitman” conspiracy theory and finally it pretended like it was the activist arm of the venus project until it was exposed Jacque Fresco saying the Zeitgeist Movement are know nothing followers of Peter Joseph who should disband the worthless Zeitgeist Movement . So the true face of the movement has been exposed: It engaged in a public fight over money and control with what it had been proclaiming to be the salvation for all humanity, the Venus Project.
James Kush
Brian use your Brain,
Requiring that passengers on lifeboats know how to navigate and procure food is a waste of resources (I thought you wanted to conserve resources),
Lifeboats only have one purpose….
To keep people alive long enough for rescue ships to arrive. The rescue boats do the navigating. The rescue ships bring food.

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