
Censored: Is PJ Merola Ditching RBE?

The question was raised asking what happened to the question explaining the RBE “Basic Points” as it can not be found in the FAQ knowledge Base anymore, will they be advocating a new system that isn’t a Resource-Based Economy now or just fearmonger and say everything is going to collapse ?
Only time will tell.
Update: They just changed the name:
Albert says:
The Zeitgeist Movement is defined as a collection of slackers who are willing to put their lives on hold and support whatever Peter Joseph Merola decides is a “really cool idea” this month until such a time as said Mr. Merola decides it isn’t cool after all (ususally when the person who came up with the “really cool idea” treats Merola like some dog poo they stepped in) after which they wait patiently until the next “really cool idea” comes along. The movement loses some folks with each iteration until it will end with PJM and three other dudes meeting in someone’s mothers’ basement.
justintempler says:
No Mario if you read through the 5 items you’ll find Merola refers to the “Resource Based Economy” a lot but I guess this way the definition can become more “fuzzy” so an RBE can be whatever they want it to be. See this way everybody can have their own personal definition so even if Zeitgeisters hold conflicting views of what a RBE would look like they can still claim to all support an RBE.
I see that the Orientation Guide still hasn’t been updated. It has been well over 2 months past the split and the Orientation Guide still refers to TZM as the activist arm of The Venus Project along with it’s worship of Jacque Fresco and talk about circular cities.
internetjimjesus says:
RBE or not, shit is still retarded.

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