
Censored: Former Members

I’m mentioning what’s not mentioned by Corboy already in that Rick Ross thread:

Ben Hrotek: http://zeitgeistmovements.wordpress.com/2011/05/19/neil-kiernan-gets-called-out-on-his-control-tactics
People asking VTV to step down: http://bit.ly/Oxos34
RBOSE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fdrAmVABOk (Group of People)
Codie Vickers exposes Thunder and Peter Joseph Merola: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VicytlMhTsM
Constructive Criticism from someone for TZM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPWgfVLIdSo
Constructive Critisism of Zeitgeist, he fears Peter Joseph Merola being a dictator: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTqUrGv2iiY
Former member debunking RBE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njWcBVcBNHk
Zeitgeist, Money and Hypocrisy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wuz_CI5C3gM
People start getting banned on IRC for mentioning Peter Joseph’s last name: http://bit.ly/NgtuUc
Does the Zeitgeist Movement support Islam?: http://zeitgeistmovementsupportsislam.blogspot.com
Zeitgeist movement started mass BANNING COURSE: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1184694/pg1
Ian Knowles & Jimi Patterson & Marc Leger & Adie Bazor: http://bit.ly/dYgcdS
VTV aka Neil Kiernan Stephenson exposed by Stephen & Fayder & Daniel & Andrew & Milan: http://bit.ly/NiTA8v
Tobias tzm: http://bit.ly/NFXS8A
And another: http://bit.ly/MWXguv
If you have anymore stories that should be added, contact me on Twitter.
Nice sir, I will go thru each of these ;D
James Kush
what do you think you have here? most of this is from 2011. you trashed Peter Joseph for coming at a critic for an article written a year ago and here you are bringing up nonsense that really is no longer relevant. What else ya got? not to mention you have links that no longer work, all the TZM forum shit can’t be seen??? and most of this shit is taken out of context and grossly being misrepresented and misinterpreted, are you guys for real? I want to see shit with some MEAT, real substance shit that I can digest and think about, but so far your entire website is like a big HATER filled montage of crap. Are you jealous of him? just wondering, do you want to be like him and struggle to figure why you can’t muster up enough supporters to come at TZM with real evidence backed data and information opposing anything the guy has to say? CTFU!!! btw just to make shit clear i am not a member of TZM, i go where the info makes sense, i came here to see some good arguments against the movement, yeah that failed.
(Moderator’s note…… This seems like a planned attack: http://forum.rickross.com/read.php?12,97823,112336#msg-112336 )
iam lilith
If Peter (biblical) Joseph (biblical) Merola (real last name) wants to bitch about 2011 articles that criticized his online cult now, I don’t see what the problem is, I should be able to put up these links of ex-members expressing why they didn’t like the Zeitgeist Movement no matter how old they are. Corboy is asking for this and I think he has been asking for this for awhile and I’m contributing. What we have here is a shitload of people complaining about TZM, it’s not just the critics as Zeitards like you to think explaining why we disagree with a RBE. But if you’re so butthurt about the 2011 testimonies, then follow up with another former coordinator who is complaining about TZM now. If I find more ex-members talking about TZM, I’ll provide more links.
“not to mention you have links that no longer work, all the TZM forum shit can’t be seen???”
I don’t think I shared any of those in the comment you’re complaining about, if I did, it’s archived in some way, but obviously, if they were still up, I would put up those links as well to make my case to show how abusive people in the hierarchy of TZM can be, of course, I’m referring to what Skeptic Project might have missed that is related to the article I’m on now.
“and most of this shit is taken out of context and grossly being misrepresented and misinterpreted, are you guys for real?”
I can’t take you “for real” if you can’t explain how things are “taken out of context and grossly being misrepresented and misinterpreted”.
“Are you jealous of him?”
“btw just to make shit clear i am not a member of TZM”
I wish I had a nickel everytime a Zeitard said that.
“i go where the info makes sense, i came here to see some good arguments against the movement, yeah that failed.”
Antidom said something like that and found the “substance“, maybe you’ll just change your mind like he did.
Mario Brotha
Interesting, however what is your stance on poop meat?
I can assure you I am not jealous of Peter Merola. I enjoy having a full head of hair and a clear conscience.
Robert Dobbs
Very well said, Mr. Dobbs I’m also not a “member” of TZM (whatever the hell that is) and I also go where the information makes sense. Calling this the pathetic “hater” site that it is could not have been more on point. It’s also great to get different points of view that make sense but those points of view have to be offered honestly and with absolute integrity which the participants of THIS particular “cult” simply don’t have the capacity for.
This site has all the credibility of the National Enquirer.
Epic fail
(Moderator’s note…… Aaron Moritz ? Is that you ? )
OO looks like this post has struck a nerve!!! Glad you liked it!!!
James Kush
Vague perspective. For me this is a blog. Some things said in the blog not everybody is going to agree with and then other things said within this blog others may agree with. You have to pick and choose the material that’s good over material that may not be what you are looking for. There are 6 different authors on the blog so that’s 6 different thoughts (I happen to be one of the authors.). For me some things written in this blog I don’t always agree with and other things I do agree with.
As VTV claims this blog should be held to Journalism integrity in a way it is, as people will correct what the authors have said and in return the authors will correct it if needed. However you offer criticism without pointing out for this instance what exactly is your problem with a particular blog post/s. Therefore your criticism is interpreted as a critic who is upset because Authors on this site may say things that go against what your belief system is within TZM. The problem you have is not the fact that the authors on this site have valid or invalid criticism of TZM but it’s more the fact that the authors of this site have any criticism towards TZM that you get offended. This just shows how indoctrinated you are in the TZM belief system which is based entirely on dogma. If you’re upset then be specific, if we got it wrong then tell us where, if you’re going to scream no matter if we have valid or invalid criticism towards TZM, then that makes you a person who believes in the TZM RBE dogma so you might as well make TZM into a religion, second I will show you the door.
Whatever: How could anyone have criticism towards TZM? Whatever: They must be trolls cause TZM is out to help the world!
“HATER” seems to be the key word today. Ironically, the top search query today for this blog is (drumroll):
“peter jospeh message to haters”
Seems like a couple of followers of the zeitgeist god peter joseph found the “hater” site they were looking for. Typical knee-jerk responses from the followers of PJ.
search term: “Summer Sagan Perry dating Peter Joseph Merola”?
James Kush
I wonder if this searcher was referring to VTV’s co-host. Her first name is Summer.
Mario Brotha
Are you a member of VTVs hitlist?
(Moderator’s note…… VTV can only have a blacklist with ladies in them and Mario couldn’t)
James Kush
Nick Nunez, Robert Dobbs and Roxette Miller I know for a fact never used Facebook to contact Zeitgeisters; let alone troll them. In the end this list just subjected them to Zeitgeisters harassing them. It’s an enemies list; pure and simple.
“I WOULD ALSO SUGGEST That everyone report this group as attacking themselves or a friend. If enough people respond we may be able to get it deleted” -Fat Elf
Mario Brotha
TZM is pro censorship, this is no new revelation.
The more VTV tries to defend TZM from the cult label, the more I think it is a cult. I would note that from day one I’ve said it wasn’t a cult, but his behavior is shit that I expect from talking to LaRouchies.
DAHAHAHAHA. I remember when they used to hand out his periodicals on the subway! Lyndon Larouche, he’s an old time nut.
If I knew nothing about TZM and read this thread, specifically where VTV is defending it, I would slowly be convinced TZM is a full blown cult. He denounces critics and ex members as insane, his demeanor is condescending, his rational takes large leaps to bad conclusions and his tireless unwavering defense. I’m getting the feeling that VTV might change Ross’ opinions and not in TZM’s favor. If TZM knew what’s best for itself it would go in and try to distance itself from VTV.
Everyone who figures out what VTV is eventually distances themselves from him eventually.
TZM and TVP are quite simply put, failed movements and experiments. Every error that could possibly have been made by these projects/movements, have been made: The lack of strong and informed leadership and the reluctance of said leaders to take on the role in the first place, the lack of a knowledgeable and involved academic base, the refurbishing of failed communist ideology and methodology hidden under a veneer of obscure terms such as “resource based economy” and then denying it has anything to do with communism, or marxism or technocracy for that mater, the decentralized nature of the movements: it seems to me anybody can be a “member” or “support”TZM and TVP as long as they declare it in a youtube video. This results in little structure, little planning in producing protests, and little to no attracting of dedicated and talented personnel, people who are willing and able to invest time and expertise, rather than run their mouths on youtube videos, click like on said TZM/TVP related videos, and on facebook, and make useless internet petitions,The release of internet conspiracy films, this perhaps killed the very concept and direction of Zeitgeist Movement even before PJ Merola said it out loud. And finally and most importantly the total inability to work among themselves as TZM and TVP split some time ago, and in this link here it shows the total inflexibility of Jacque Fresco himself to work with other organizations who support his vision! He wants to work with them only so long as they support DEFERRING to him and his all-knowing authority and stance. The guy feels he ALONE has the keys that will “better” mankind! Fresco is merely a selfish arrogant and egotistical man. Ironically, for someone who touts the importance of intellect, he is quite intellectually dishonest, as any intellectual knows that solutions to complex real word problems do not lie in any one place. Rather, many people from different backgrounds, views, ideas, opinions, come together in order to assemble the most potentially cohesive solution.
You hit the nail on the head good sir. Thank you.

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