
Censored: 60 Minutes In The Spotlight?

60 Minutes In The Spotlight?

Zeitards were getting all excited thinking this was from the actual mainstream media, but it’s not. It wasn’t even 60 minutes. It appears to be a college project of some kind in New York. an university that interviewed the NY Chapter which documents the public cult divorce, promotes James Kush website exposing them, says TZM is a non-violent movement reminding us that they have nuts like Jared Lee Loughner and says the first film is their main recruitment tool. You can watch the video above for more details.

Daniel Allen says:
To Whom It May Concern:
The video posted on your YouTube page: “The Zeitgeist Movement Wasn’t Worth 60 Minutes…” is unauthorized. I produced this video and posted to Vimeo and allow embedding but I do not authorize posting my video on other users’ accounts. You may embed the video wherever you like using our Vimeo information. However, I must request that you take down the unauthorized version of our video immediately.
Please address this message immediately or we will be forced to take further action.
Thank you,
Daniel T. Allen
justintempler says:
Daniel Allen says:
I produced this video and posted to Vimeo and allow embedding but I do not authorize posting my video on other users’ accounts. You may embed the video wherever you like using our Vimeo information
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  1. internetjimjesus says:
    It’s not like Mario is monitizing the video, or 60 Minutes either for that matter. He’s also not taking credit for your work. You’re getting tons of free exposure for a good story. What’s the issue?
  • Mario Brotha says:
    I don’t know what the issue is, but now we have Peter Joseph Merola releasing a response, will he flag this video too ?
    He starts off whining as usual saying the movies are not the movement in so many ways as any critic would have predicted, again and again and compares it to saying it’s like saying that Google Zeitgeist is TZM ? Was he a Google employee ? If so, I didn’t know.
    I did notice something tho, BCE says that the “Who Is Peter Joseph” fake documentary was a 2010 interview, no, it was in October 21, 2009, in the beginning of the “Charles Robinson” film, that’s stated. Danny deserves an F lol. I’m trying to be fair here and I didn’t notice that the first time watching the original BCE video.
    But Peter Joseph Merola when talking about the 3rd section of the first film pretends it wasn’t addressing anything about the monetary system and it’s “inherent” problems. The first film alone can be looked at as anti-monetary system from watching that part alone and when the movement introduces a new economic system thru the next film, they are going to always go to the first film because of that, not because of 9/11 or his beef with Jesus. Those will always be issues tho. Shit, some of it was rehashed in the beginning of Zeitgeist: Addendum. There was some railing going on here, sorry Peter Joseph Merola, ABC doesn’t have an agenda against you. Denying the first film is a recruitment tool is extremely misleading since he promotes it as a sticky in the forums of his website:
    Then he goes on to bash people that see things controlled by a elite group when the 3rd section of the first film was called “The Men Behind The Curtain”, yeah, you can tell me that part isn’t there no more since he updated the first film about 5-10 times, but he’s not fooling anyone. I think he’s a hypocrite for saying that tho.
    In the middle of this response, he states that he’s confident he can debate anyone about the first film as if he is known debater, but when you listen to his past interviews about the first film, he always claim he didn’t want to debate and just discuss. Now he’s the ultimate debater. He’s starting to get arrogant here, and annoying. I also found it odd that he didn’t mention the part where the interviewer mentions that TZM has over 500,000 members and try to make that his trophy moment, instead, he bashes the scholar because TZM is against people with credentials. That’s right.
    Then he rants on about how BCE said “supercomputers”, well, isn’t that was TVP offers ? That sounds SCIFI to me, I do tho like how he didn’t taboo the whole split drama. Because Jacque Fresco said “The Zeitgeist Movement knows nothing”. I felt like rubbing that in.
    Then Peter Joseph Merola takes the time to talk about the Jared Lee Loughner incident and says the best friend last saw him 2 years ago. Okay, that would be 2009. Yeah. That makes sense, for some reason he tries to act as if TZM wasn’t active then. Then he says “What the hell is a documentary movement” ? Is he fucking kidding me ?
    Then Peter Joseph Merola refers to Mr. Kill Money as “Dr. Kill Money”. I don’t know if this was a subliminal shot at me or if that was a slip up, either way, funny. But what’s even funnier is that Peter Joseph Merola cuts out the part where BCE promoted James Kush’s blog and the artlcle that highlighted TZM as an “apocalyptic cult”. That was sneaky. I thought he would call out the people that called TZM a cult, deny TZM to be a cult, but that didn’t happen, I guess he’s that scared to address the issue.
    I would recommend everyone to check out James Kush’s blog about the matter:
    He analyzed the original BCE video, I analyzed this.


Cults Want Critical Mass

The Desteni cult are on the outer reaches of the lunatic fringe that shave their heads and want 100 million people to shave their heads and I think TZM wants 100,000,000 people to join their cult in order to move forward. You know when you're in a cult when you're main goal is impossible.


Cults Donate For "Research"

So now Desteni takes donations for their research on whatever as the Zeitgeist Movement is doing, on whatever. So I guess the more you donate to useless projects or scams, the more of a right you can tell someone who is not being manipulated to do their own "research". You can always bet on non-transparency too.


Cults Enjoy Noodles

"This is a vlog was made 2 summers ago, when i was bored out of my mind, babysitting a family friend's dogs for 6 weeks at their house. all i had was easy-mac, cup-noodles, and the occasional ham or chicken from Fred Myer's :P"

Vlogs showing support for a cult while eating or talking about noodles is something Desteni started doing and the Zeitgeist Movement started doing right after.


Censored: Books On TZM’s Failures

As Peter Joseph Merola is trying to update the Zeitgeist Orientation Guide, people have started their own books as it seems documenting what the first film got wrong and how TZM failed as a social movement. When people start writing books about how negative the Zeitgeist Movement is, well, I guess I don’t need to elaborate from there.


So Far So Good

I thought they hated that video so much that they would attack my channel, I guess I'm not under their radar. I think I'm going to upload this video again too. If anyone wants me to upload a video this cult took down, send me a message on youtube.


Censored: The Credential Dishonesty Continues

It’s funny how the Zeitgeist Movement attacks or put down those with credentials but it’s okay for them to be dishonest about their own backgrounds rather it be what company they work for or rather it be about their educational background.


Bernard Never Promised 7/11

If you want to listen to the rest of the song, you can click here. It's now unlisted. If you don't want to listen to this Desteni exclusive, then go to a local 7/11 to get a free slurpee and see if you can find Neil Kiernan Stephenson in the hall of shame.



Being In Desteni Sucks

Censored: TZM's Fake Credibility

It’s something I have been noticing for awhile and James Kush’s recent blog reminded me of this regarding to Joe Rogan. Then I remembered someone else that the Zeitgeist Movement were known for using for their propaganda, her name is Severn Suzuki, as they were using her videos to promote their cult, I remember TZM getting shut down by her father David Takayoshi Suzuki. Then there’s another person that comes to mind that Zeitards promote on youtube and his name is Michio Kaku, a physicist, but the strange thing is, the Zeitgeist Movement is against physics. It’s strange to even see them use people that dismiss them. If I forgot anyone, please drop a comment, but if I was to give advice, I would tell TZM members to promote people that actually endorse them and not make themselves look more stupid and deceptive.


"They tried to cajole Noam Chomsky a few times I have it all on record on my blog."


Censored: #1 Priority Is Advertising

I’m sure if Bill Hicks was alive today, he would be real proud of the Zeitgeist Movement. It’s good to know they have their priorities straight. I guess there’s nothing to be surprised about since the founder of the Zeitgeist Movement is known for his experience within the advertising industry and is an expert in manipulation.
  1. pan says:
    lol. i want to see the full list of answers. did get their heads out of their azzes pop up anywhere?
    • Mario Brotha says:
      The voting options so far:
      Advertising the movement so more people know about it – spam to the extreme.
      To refine its goals and objectives..much more precise and concise.. – RBE is not the movement!
      Bringing people together as a species not as a movement! – the movement is not the movement!
      Spirituality – lets become a better cult.
      Creating a value shift – lets continue to tell people we’re better than them.
      Spread the truth – lets become truth seekers now since we don’t have to follow Jacque Fresco ramble on telling us there is no such thing as a “truth seeker”.
      To find and to cooperate with other movements that aspire to the same objectives – lets pretend to bridge gaps.
      Educate yourself – lets pretend to want to be educated.
      Developing a resource based economy simulation – lets play SIMS.
      Develop a database of models and solutions to facilitate the transition – lets pretend we have blueprints.
      Civil disobedience and peaceful manifestations – lets pretend be like the Civil Rights Movement.
      Open technologies with holistic approach to bring a new efficient RBE design. – lets talk about current technology and take credit for other people’s work.
      Make the system collapse. – lets do what this guy suggested: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QKU0Yuve2g
      Empower, help the people in need and spread awareness – lets continue to donate to VTV, because his back is against the wall, that’s what he said.
      What about them all? – lets pretend we’re capable of doing all of this.
      1 and 3 – Advertising and refinement – lets advertise more and try to figure out what we are the activist arm of.
      You Can Select Multiple Answers – lets pick more than one to feel good about ourselves online.
      Staying off my facebook page – lets pretend to hate facebook as we get more ‘likes’ for this group.
      The Conspiracy behind Hemp – we should get people to become potheads.
      Redesign webs. – lets get a facelift, it helps in advertising.
      Delete all the Zeigeist films and focus primary on TVP – lets be the activist arm of the Venus Project still even tho Jacque Fresco said “the Zeitgeist Movement knows nothing”.
      laTeorica es una cosa y otra es la vida – lets figure out what’s reality and utopia.
  2. justintempler says:
    I like the last one:
    laTeorica es una cosa y otra es la vida . (The theory is one thing and other is the life)
    It always helps to be able to distinguish between fantasy and real life.
    ….and here I thought Zeitgeist believed in the scientific method? Why are they taking polls?
    Opinions mean nothing!


Cults Are Not Educated

Censored: The Poor Get Poorer

Don’t let his sob stories get to you, just ignore him and take care of yourself and your own family, if you let people like this take advantage of you, you will become suicidal like Jay Woods. Why donate to someone who is already on state aid claiming to have “heel spurs” while larping, pretending to be the Venus Project spokesman and blogging about how much he supposedly suffers ? Just keep your money so that he doesn’t scam you this month, the next month, and for the rest of your life. When I see more ebegging coming from him, Peter Joseph Merola and the Venus Project, I know that money is an incentive and when he and other Zeitards say it isn’t, we all know that’s a larping lie.