Author: James Kush
Neil Kiernan, known amongst as a internet panhandler and a constant target of criticism for his bully tactics has attempted to expose Peter Joseph's mom and dad's identity on a mass scale.
Sometime ago, Neil “beggar/vagabond” Keirnan posted on my blog the facebook links of Peter Joseph's mom and dad. Their personal name, photos, relatives, and data about their residence was obviously part of their facebook pages. It was not the first time Neil Kiernan had led me to critical information regarding Peter Joseph before, Peter's personal address had also been revealed to me by Neil Kiernan himself thru a youtube channel. At this point I should say that I have never published, nor will I ever, information about Peter Joseph's home address or information about his family, especially his parents. I felt that these “leaks” by the former failed politician Neil Kiernan was nothing more than a ploy to lure me into disclosing information that would make me look like a total jerk and cruel at best. So I ignored both attempts to disclose Peter's home address and information regarding his parent's personal information.
I moved on and forgot about VTV's leak strategy.
Then I came across a comment VTV made recently, several weeks ago, where he himself is going around facebook discussing how Peter Joseph's parents info was available on my site, thru a post he made, in which he contends I impersonated him. So let's think about this, he leaks sensitive information, it gets ignored, MONTHS later he himself reports to zeitgeist members that Peter's parents had been exposed on this blog thru his own post. Clearly his strategy failed and he has only exposed himself as a turncoat of the Zeitgeist Movement, a traitor and a sellout of Peter Joseph.
VTV exposing Peter's parents on my blog took place months ago and I never made mention of it anywhere. Yet we find VTV making mention of it on facebook, almost as if he got tired of waiting for me to expose Peter Joseph's parents and decided to try and use his posts against me anyways. VTV, I appreciate the leaks, but give me something I can use, Peter's home address and information about his mom and dad do not help my cause and is rather cruel and mean to your boy Peter Joseph.
Now I’m sure VTV is going to go into damage control and place blame for spin and dirty tactics but let's take a look at some truths regarding VTV and his long list of attempts to blame me for various problems within the movement. For example, we discover that VTV blames the separation between The Venus Project and The Zeitgeist Movement on Dr. Mario and on Sir James Kush, VTV blaming both Dr. Mario and Sir James Kush for information released about Exemplar Zero, and we also discover VTV mumbling and stuttering about as he made these accusations.
When I debated with VTV aka Mr. Manboobs on youtube, he would spam my comments [with evidence to back up my claims] or skip my questions, this is why I never bothered to sign up on his forums, he’s a complete douche and will always suffer from obesity. Hungry Hungry Hippo has a thing for calling people “little” too, I think it’s a projection since he has a “micropenis” as Omni-Science put it. I think he exposed Peter Joseph Merola’s parent’s info to warn PJ Merola to not let him go as being their global moderator. I can imagine that Peter Joseph Merola shared some privileged information with the global moderators already and if he even thought about letting anyone in his hierarchy go, a blackmail situation will occur, the motive is obvious.
For those who want to understand the logic of why VTV can be held as guilty read this:
Also while we are on the topic of posts being edited, read the following thread on VTV’s radio forum, where he systematically removes, edits content of Matt and Machwon who are providing evidence that he is responsible for this.
It is a pity that apparently VTV is having technical problems with his website that I cannot register and login to join in debates there, as I’m perhaps the nearest thing to someone who would be willing to defend his side of things should the evidence stack up that way.
But as no one seems to want me on any of their forums, be it TZM, CS, VTV, this makes it very hard to help anyone from any angle!
As such, I will just have to do my best to make my mind up on what evidence I can see, and remind myself that some of the people throwing mud are themselves already covered in it..
we can see if those comments are true because heres his ip address he used to post the following comment on my own blog which is available for all to see:
Submitted on 2010/08/06 at 5:39 pm | In reply to Manila English.
Submitted on 2010/08/06 at 5:39 pm | In reply to Manila English.
Manila, can you please email me at Thank you.
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Peter Joseph Merola is plain arrogant
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He’s claiming it was photoshopped. What a myopic liar.
Interestingly enough that IP leads to yes you guessed it, the area of Detroit Michigan, which is exactly where he lives.
No, correction; he says you edited his comments.