Author: James Kush
Are you one of the people who invested $6.2 million dollars with Joseph Alexopoulos or Aequitas Wealth Management?
Do you believe “profit is as imaginary as interest on a debt”? If not, as a fiduciary, the investment philosophy and methodology of Aequitas Wealth Management and Joseph Alexopoulos may not be in harmony with your best interests.
Joseph Alexopoulos is supposed to be helping people make a profit and retire safely. However we discover Joseph Alexopoulos hates money and the “idear” of profit. He despises the people who want to earn more and believes profit is only a figment of imagination. Yes indeed this money manager who is obligated to earn for his clients instead secretly despises the motives behind it and them.
Perhaps its not illegal for money managers charging 1% on people’s wealth to hate money, perhaps it is a good thing? Maybe Joseph Alexopoulos offers full disclosure to his clients, telling them everything they pursue is imaginary and in fact a value disorder? Does he tell them he spends time side by side with a cult leader known as Peter Joseph Merola espousing these anti-capitalist, anti-money, anti-profit lectures?
Joseph Alexopoulos talks alot about values. In his Zeitgeist Movie Movement speeches, he says the pursuit of profit/returns is VD, or a “value disorder”. However, one motto he uses is: ”Aequitas Puts Values—and Clients—First”
So does that mean he puts people’s “value disorder” first??
Can you believe a financial planner does not have profit as his number one goal in life? Does he switch into value disorder mode when dealing with clients? If your career has to do with helping people that trust you profit as a priority, and you believe profit is imaginary and the high pursuit of it is a value disorder, you should either disclose this to your clients or quit what you do.
Joseph Alexopoulos is a former Swiss Banker, the former vice president of The Citigroup Switzerland,and a former Financial Planner at Fidelity Investments.
so…… TZM philosophy: Joe Alexopoulos makes money for his clients by keeping people in perpetual debt slavery.
Joseph P. Alexopoulos CFP®, CFE, MBA, Slave Trader
“Here are some suggestions:1) Expose the banking fraud. Citibank, JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America are the most powerful controllers within the corrupt Federal Reserve system.”
Then I read this:
“Joseph Alexopoulos is a former Swiss Banker, the former vice president of The Citigroup Switzerland,and a former Financial Planner at Fidelity Investments.”
I think to myself, wow, great job.
Well in his defense, Citigroup has a shit ton of VPs, as do most major financial institutions. Other then that I didn’t even know about this guy until today but he seems like another individual in the crazy cast of characters that makes up the Zeitgeist Movement, I guess he is one of their 1337Zeet Cultists.
:runs in slow motion:
It looks like our erstwhile savior of the little guy was part of a rather sleazy looking online finance course teaching you how to make money off of debt slavery:
Kind of looks like the sort of thing one sees on an infomercial running on a cable channel at 3AM.