
Censored: The Dumbest Reality Show

Author: James Kush
Clearly Peter Joseph is going to entertain us further.  He has launched a website announcing “THE DUMBEST REALITY SHOW OF ALL TIME”:
I don’t know what to say. He did all the heavily lifting for us. At least he’s not delusional about how bad his stuff is anymore.
He calls his show the dumbest show and gets offended when he’s called a dummy, maybe Kush caught the comment he was responding too lol.
Mario Brotha
I agree! Academia is biased against conspiracy crackpots like Jordan Maxwell and pseudoscholars like Gerald Massey. No doubt about it!
Culture in Decline has already been done they called it The Jerry Springer Show.
Narcissim is ugly.
I’m Peter Joseph, I’m so smart and beyond all you dumb peons that only I can see the truth, and your world disgusts me.
Mario Brotha
Who could forget this little gem from the king of social commentators.
Noam Chomsky had some very interesting things to say in regards to Merola’s Movement.
“I don’t regard the Zeitgeist Movement as an activist movement. Rather, it seems to me a very passive movement that is misled by documents that have a very pleasant sound, but collapse on analysis. Among them is the idea that we should ’stop supporting the system’ and ‘not fight it’, that is, seek to change and overcome it. That means we should withdraw into passivity. Nothing could be more welcome to those in power. My feeling is that however sincere the leaders and participants may be, the movement is seriously misguided. It is not leading towards change, but is undermining it by encouraging passivity and withdrawal from engagement, and offering a false sense that some real alternative is being proposed, except in terms so vague and divorced from reality as to be virtually meaningless.”
That article reminded me of this one:
Also Noam Chomsky was right, I was reading one of the comments and saw this:
“I read what you said and have to say that I believe you have not understood the approach of TZM toward the RBE. they believe that activism will help, but they are presently in the recruiting/development stage. Once the movement hits the critical mass (e.g. 50 million members) it will get into the activist stage, Until then, the movement must seek to create a coherent vision that will guide their activism.” -Robert
It’s like they don’t read at all..
Mario Brotha

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