The Problem With #PostScarcity and the Possiblity of Small-Scale Socialization: #TZM #TVP #RBE #Zeitgeist— Mario Brotha (@MarioBrotha) April 30, 2012
The Problem With Post Scarcity And The Possiblity of Small-Scale Socialization
Censored: The Dumbest Reality Show
Author: James Kush
Clearly Peter Joseph is going to entertain us further. He has launched a website announcing “THE DUMBEST REALITY SHOW OF ALL TIME”:
I don’t know what to say. He did all the heavily lifting for us. At least he’s not delusional about how bad his stuff is anymore.
April 16, 2012
He calls his show the dumbest show and gets offended when he’s called a dummy, maybe Kush caught the comment he was responding too lol.
Mario Brotha
April 17, 2012
I agree! Academia is biased against conspiracy crackpots like Jordan Maxwell and pseudoscholars like Gerald Massey. No doubt about it!
April 18, 2012
Culture in Decline has already been done they called it The Jerry Springer Show.
April 16, 2012
Narcissim is ugly.
April 17, 2012
I’m Peter Joseph, I’m so smart and beyond all you dumb peons that only I can see the truth, and your world disgusts me.
April 17, 2012
Mario Brotha
April 17, 2012
Who could forget this little gem from the king of social commentators.
Noam Chomsky had some very interesting things to say in regards to Merola’s Movement.
“I don’t regard the Zeitgeist Movement as an activist movement. Rather, it seems to me a very passive movement that is misled by documents that have a very pleasant sound, but collapse on analysis. Among them is the idea that we should ’stop supporting the system’ and ‘not fight it’, that is, seek to change and overcome it. That means we should withdraw into passivity. Nothing could be more welcome to those in power. My feeling is that however sincere the leaders and participants may be, the movement is seriously misguided. It is not leading towards change, but is undermining it by encouraging passivity and withdrawal from engagement, and offering a false sense that some real alternative is being proposed, except in terms so vague and divorced from reality as to be virtually meaningless.”
April 17, 2012
That article reminded me of this one:
Also Noam Chomsky was right, I was reading one of the comments and saw this:
“I read what you said and have to say that I believe you have not understood the approach of TZM toward the RBE. they believe that activism will help, but they are presently in the recruiting/development stage. Once the movement hits the critical mass (e.g. 50 million members) it will get into the activist stage, Until then, the movement must seek to create a coherent vision that will guide their activism.” -Robert
It’s like they don’t read at all..
Mario Brotha
April 17, 2012
Douglas Mallette debunks Technological Unemployment
Douglas Mallette goes on #FOX News and debunks Technological Unemployment: #TZM #TVP #RBE #Zeitgeist #PostScarcity #Poo— Mario Brotha (@MarioBrotha) April 15, 2012
Censored: The Zeitgeist “Resource Based Economy” Transition Plan
This was predicted by a Zeitard a year ago:
The Zeitgeist Movement Cult Plans WORLD ORGY!!!!!!!
"Douglas “Annihilator” Mallette is a public spokesman for Zeitgeist Movement. One can easily search youtube and see the relationship. Recently he appeared as Peter Joseph’s right hand man at the annual Zeitgeist event the followers call “ZDAY 2012″.
Douglas Mallette is known as the “Annihilator” due to comments he made (2010) regarding property crime in a resource based economy. He believed people should be killed without due process in the RBE. He was booted from a leg of an European Speech tour when the promoters found about his violent rhetoric
Now a few weeks after the meeting in Canada with Peter Joseph, the Annihilator has announced plans to create a transitional RBE city by creating a naked city. " -James Kush
Now a few weeks after the meeting in Canada with Peter Joseph, the Annihilator has announced plans to create a transitional RBE city by creating a naked city. " -James Kush
So what do you get when you combine nudists and an RBE… A sausage fest.
April 6, 2012
And that’s what you would get: A bunch of naked unemployed slackers and not a woman in sight.
April 6, 2012
Jacque Fresco must have inspired him from his “research” on one of the South Pacific islands lol.
Mario Brotha
April 6, 2012
What the actual fuck?
April 6, 2012
So judging by the last two posts may I assume TZM is devolving into a cult where naked people gather to worship Petey J. Merola as the sun? Yup, sure sounds like what Jacques Fresco had in mind.
April 6, 2012
This is truly astonishing. I mean, when I read this I seriously thought it was a joke. I still hope it is and maybe it’s Mallette’s idea of poking fun at the movement. If it turns out that they really are serious about this, then I’d have to say that in the entire history of the Zeitgeist Movement’s stupid ideas–the enemies list, the fake dollar bills to give panhandlers and street musicians, Zeitgeist University, the evacuation of New York City, “This Shit’s Got To Go” T-shirts, the “Troll” documentary, the Boston Tea Party and OWS hijacks, the Oprah spam campaign, etc.–this is the single most ridiculous thing any of them has ever come up with.
April 6, 2012
I’m still in disbelief. The first thing I thought was Doug was 6 days late for April Fool’s
April 6, 2012
Looks like he responded.
NOTE TO THE TROLLS THAT MONITOR THIS PAGE: Write whatever idiocy you wish. I won’t read it and I don’t care. I am not about to bow down to your stupidity or cater to your ignorance.
To those concerned:I can take on whatever projects I want. There is no reason why I can’t do both. I’m not so limited. The Naturist Resort concept is just that, a concept…an idea. This is nothing more than a sustainability concept that happens to cater to a certain demographic who is already mentally in line with creating a more sustainable world. They (Naturists) are the kind of people who would live in and/or visit such a city without reservation, providing a realistic testbed of sorts that also serves a practical function.As for Naturism itself…oooh…nudity…how taboo…grow up. There are millions of people around the world who do not have a distorted aversion to the nude human form thanks to close minded social programming. Get over it.As for the “trolls we all know”…I don’t give a crap about those idiots who bash EVERYTHING I have to say. They are morons. They have been and will always be morons who don’t do ANYTHING productive with their lives to actually help people. They are cyber-bullies who do nothing and have nothing real to contribute to actually help people. They “think” they are something special. In fact, I bet this post alone will get a rise in their pants because they think they actually matter.If I gave a crap about the nonsense they (or others like them) spewed, I’d do nothing but spend my time catering and bowing down to their stupidity. I have better things to do that constantly spend my time worrying about self aggrandizing soap box artists who just simply love to hear themselves talk about irrelevant nonsense. The internet is full of blogs that attack or defend this topic or that topic. Why we let a small group of schmucks hang in the limelight so long is beyond me.But back to the Resort idea…there is nothing wrong with Naturism, and I will not hide who I am to appease a select few who have loud mouths and bad attitudes.Be well.
Few points I want to make.
1. I can only speak for myself, but I don’t ‘troll’ Zeitgiesters. I just critique their movement and because they are so wrapped up in their ideology they get angry when someone points out it’s shortcomings (and there are many.) So because they get angry, they think that’s something I do intentionally. No. Get off your high horse and realize we have shit to say, don’t be like these Scientology nutters who disregard everyone who disagrees as “suppressive people.” It’s milieu control, and it’s sick. Knock it off. Your ideology isn’t that bulletproof.
1. I can only speak for myself, but I don’t ‘troll’ Zeitgiesters. I just critique their movement and because they are so wrapped up in their ideology they get angry when someone points out it’s shortcomings (and there are many.) So because they get angry, they think that’s something I do intentionally. No. Get off your high horse and realize we have shit to say, don’t be like these Scientology nutters who disregard everyone who disagrees as “suppressive people.” It’s milieu control, and it’s sick. Knock it off. Your ideology isn’t that bulletproof.
2. The funny thing isn’t the nudism. This is why we all think you’re a bit slower than you lead people on to believe. The funny thing is that you want to make this nudist resort as “RBE styled” and will be “like the first city.” That is what’s funny. It has nothing to do with social “programming” (which is a debunked and discredited theory.) This is as stupid as you thinking Skeptic Project/Conspiracy Science crew as people who believe in NWO Agenda 21 nonsense when they spend so much time debunking that nutter shit. So careful who you call idiots, idiot.
3. You don’t help people. You beg for money to travel the world for paid talking gigs about your stupid pot Ferris wheel that wastes more resources than horizontal farming. That’s not helping people, that’s participating in circle jerks. No, that’s not a pun. We know sexual activity is banned from nudists resorts.
4. If you give a crap, why are you posting this TL;DR reply? Dohoho.
5. There is nothing wrong with nudists, except for the people who go there. Bunch of fat and fugly old people playing volleyball naked.
6. I could care less about attention. If I did, I’d still be making anti-Zeitgeister videos and I haven’t made any since last year. You guys are a circus, so don’t criticize me when I watch you clowns running around and getting a giggle out of it.
7. Seriously.. RBE Nudist Resort? How am I not supposed to laugh at that? Better yet, how are Zeitgiesters not supposed to laugh? Jesus Christ, seriously I thought you were late for an April Fool’s prank.
April 7, 2012
The “annihilator” did a house cleaning and “annihilated” the argument he had with Thunder.
For those that missed it…
I wonder if Doug corrects Peter when Peter uses them big words to make himself “sound smart and “above” the conversation”?
It’s OK when leader Merola uses them big words but when Thunder uses them Doug is offended?
It’s OK when leader Merola uses them big words but when Thunder uses them Doug is offended?
April 7, 2012
lol Im glad you captured that exchange!
Wow thats fucking excellent! Doug seems to be the *new* Neil. In fact, I’d say people like them are one in the same with their idiocy. How socially clueless can these people be? Even Gregory gets it.
April 7, 2012
Doug’s facebook picture tells a lot about him. The light is shining on him in an otherwise dark picture. It makes him look important and the center of the attention. Also it would appear he is talking to a large, sold out crowd. This picture, just like Doug, is a fraud. If you research the picture, you find that the location is half-empty. While he is the center of attention (this is what is most important to him, not the Zeitgeist movement), he is hardly important, as at the marquee event of the movement he is speaking for, the crowd is about as large as you would find at your local grocery store.
Doug, like the Zeitgeist movement, looks great on the surface. However, when you research, you find out that the Zeitgeist movement has no realistic ideas to make their plan come to fruition and leaders who are only trying to further themselves and not their “selfless” movement.
Doug and the Zeitgeist movement are frauds. All it takes is a little research to get through the surface of bs they present to the world.
April 7, 2012
TZM is a social movement, not a technical movement.
It’s a cult of personality, not a movement.
April 10, 2012
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