
Parallel Government Video Censored

This shit is funny:
They created a facebook page in order to hijack the #OccupyWallStreet Movement.
Mario Brotha
Since there are no more forums and the site looks boring now, this is what I was talking about:
Mario Brotha
Maybe it’s just me, maybe.. but I caught something, when I was looking at the Parallel Government facebook page, I caught a correlation:
“Um . . .why am I the only one to…”
VOR talks the same way when you look at his own posts and comments, here’s an example:
“Um… what does citing my sources have to do with clarifying my position?”
If VOR is running that facebook page, then TZM is only ruining themselves for allowing a racist pathological liar run pages like this, you know, like how he does with “ZeitgeistResponds”.
Mario Brotha
Easiest way to check is to get the email used on it and then login with elite245 as the password LOL
before you all get on zeitgeist because you don’t recognize it, its something new and react to it like any prejudice does, learn about it first, you may find they are your biggest friends. I’ve been following the zeitgeist movement for years. while the occupy movement has force, momentum and power to actually do something, it has no answers, no direction, its a mindless mass of action with no solution towards its goal. zeitgeist on the other hand has none of this, but everything you need, an answer, direction, an actual solution to the problem, learn what it is and learn that a situation where anybody from zeitgeist leading anything is impossible for what you both have in common is an idea, it takes no face, no body, but is limitless in its potential
added note: TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY! complaining about people hijacking the movement. how selfish can any of you be, this is bigger than all of your right nows. this is an actual future for the human race, for our kids, ALL of our kids to enjoy a happy life they choose to live, any life they choose to live
More people aren’t taking this RBE shit realistically and pissed off about the hijack of OWS. I found a new article to prove that:
Mario Brotha

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