#TVP Steals The Ideas Of Ebenezer Howard & Walt Disney! http://t.co/cbwC03cc #TZM #RBE #Zeitgeist #PostScarcity— Mario Brotha (@MarioBrotha) November 29, 2011
TVP Steals The Ideas Of Ebenezer Howard
Censored: Earth To PJ Merola [Lecture Edition]
Back in 2010, Peter Joseph Merola did some lecture shows and now suddenly decided to finish up his series, but before I get to this one he did recently, I do want to recap on the shows he did last year and I’ll be brief since it was just rambling and no Q&A.
The show begins with Peter Joseph Merola telling his listeners that Jacque Fresco was on his world tour, he got sick with a terrible cold and cancelled on Canada and went home to Venus, Florida. It’s a shame that so many were taken advantage of to be their salesmen by selling tickets and calling it activism while claiming to be anti-money getting people to attend an expensive event where you get to hear Jacque Fresco say the same shit over and over again that people coming to listen to him probably heard him say on youtube. Peter Joseph Merola talked about what the Z3 trailers [long and short] would be like stressing how much of an impact it will be and that people [in Chapters] will have to sign contracts to not release the film early before the release date he public states, but you can see that didn’t go so well. Peter Joseph Merola also said in this show that in the next 30 years, the world will go under “civil unrest”. He kind of quickly goes over the profile of the collapse ahead of time here. He also rambles on how he doesn’t like democracy and how the Constitution of the United States will be replaced by the Scientific Method. After that, he says that he met an 11 year old who supports the Zeitgeist Movement and probably attracted this sick person to join TZM. But for the rest of show, he goes over the internal structure & processes [explaining their pyramid] and plays around with the word “leadership“.
Peter Joseph Merola gets a bit upset on this show by calling all economists philosophers and says that they are not scientists. He also promotes Dan Pink to defend RBE [Resource-Based Economy] when in the same video he talks about says that money is a motivator. On this show tho, he rambles on about the supposed Resource-Based Economic Model that he thinks he has.
Peter Joseph Merola starts “talking at” people in his introduction and says that for economic survival, we’ll all have to wear Pokemon masks [mentioned twice] soon. He also reads this article to say technological unemployment is real by talking about how there are more fast food vendors, then concludes that the free market is wall street. So that’s how they view our social problems.
Peter Joseph Merola starts off the radio show with Severn Suzuki and says when he talked to Jacque Fresco, in one of his first interviews, he said that children understand a RBE more, it’s something odd to say when you mention having an 11 year old in TZM as a rare thing from the first lecture show, so he debunks himself there. When talking about the transition, he says that people who question Jacque’s blueprints or say he doesn’t have a transition plan are arrogant, but a year later, he’s the one now questioning his former mentor if he has anything but still pushes the RBE concept without knowing if it’s actually solid or not as an idea. But while telling his listeners they should try to get out of debt personally, he says that “philosophically” they will always be in a transition, even tho supposedly TZM is anti-philosophical. Peter Joseph Merola makes it clear on this show tho that no one country can’t just be a Resource-Based Economy because RBE is based on the planetary management, so the whole world has to agree with them without any small-scale testing. He even admits as he’s talking about his transition fantasies and joking about sometimes wanting to get on a spaceship and leave to another planet that is non-monetary, that there are many holes in what he is saying and isn’t realistic.
9/29/10 - Peter Joseph Merola: Lecture #1: "The Zeitgeist Movement - Internal Structure & Processes" 10/6/10 - Peter Joseph Merola: Lecture #2: "A Resource-Based Economy" - The Economic Model 10/13/10 - Peter Joseph Merola: Lectures #3: "A Profile of Collapse" 10/27/10 - Peter Joseph Merola: Lectures #4: "The Transition"
You can listen to the old shows above. Now we get to what was said yesterday.
I thought on this show he would try to explain with existing technology, what can be done now to solve problems now, stuff that us critics would give that TZM would consider as “patchwork” but no, I was fooled from the title of show, it was just a bunch of rambling. On this show, he opens up with a quote from Buckminster Fuller and says that a system we should live in should be efficient and how resources should be tracked in order for us to be sustainable. Even tho realistically, I think a global survey would be impossible, the cost to do such a thing on a planetary scale would cost more than what any of us would think. In the late 1960′s, the world game [Bucky's idea of planet inventory] would have cost him $30 million that never got funded, ironically, the same amount today the Venus Project will probably need to make a major motion picture film. Imagine how much money that would be considered today. It gets sad too when you hear Peter Joseph Merola put Jacque Fresco in the same light as Bucky if you listen to that 1980 radio documentary to find out how much of a copycat he is from Buckminster Fuller. I couldn’t help but wonder why he didn’t give his listeners an update with his connections with the president of the Fuller Institute like he mentioned on his Oct. 5th radio show. Peter Joseph Merola also says that technology should be respected, defines technology and praises Ray Kurzweil, as I am a little surprised that he wasn’t thrown under the bus yet fordisagreeing with the idea of “technological unemployment” which is like the core of their RBE belief system. At the end of the show tho, he says bluntly that there has to be a parallel government in order for his transition fantasy to come true.
To Be Continue
I wasn’t able to link a FAQ to each show that I thought was relevant one by one, but feel free to check it out since it’s new. For his future lecture shows, I will just make additions here and try to keep people updated on it. But these will be the future shows that Peter Joseph Merola listed for the last three.
Part 6: Profile of Sustainability [Peter Joseph Merola skips this show and goes into Structural Classism and decides not to talk about solar, wind, etc. energy, I guess talking about their "methodology" was more important]
Update: 12/28/2011
Peter Joseph Merola starts the radio show by playing a song by Rage Against The Machine and says how much he use to love them in high school and later called his production company “Gentle Machine Productions” ? He also says that 2012 will be an interesting year due to all the awareness that has been spreading, by awareness, I guess he means the Thrive Movement and OWS making TZM irrelevant and then ranting on how people fall into the “they” trap and says there is a “they” in the evil monetary system. While complaining about the monetary system, he rejects labels such as “Resource-Based Economy” and “Post-Scarcity” and “The Zeitgeist Movement” as TZM becomes more irrelevant as if it isn’t dead already and encourages his listeners to do so as well so that when they are talking about what they believe in, more people can be confused. So after that, he reads something from this book and says “scientific method” a lot and says we should find common ground through the process of reasoning, but wait, I thought human beings couldn’t be reasoned, well, that’s what Jacque Fresco says, as in the beginning was praised by Peter Joseph Merola on this show. Peter Joseph Merola talks about 2011 on how he was burnt out on January when preparing for ZMF that flopped compared to the first film, mentions the Venus Project conflict which he says was a good thing pretending as if the bitch slap from TVP didn’t bother him, then he brags about his new website [removing their forums] and blog site that no one cares about, the Global Redesign Institute thing which is suppose to be some mind blowing wiki, a parallel government fantasizing, but you know, if you want a better recap for the Zeitgeist Movement this year, you can watch this since it’s more accurate. Peter Joseph Merola says 2012 will be the year of everything collapsing too like he said in Zeitgeist: Addendum, rants about internet censorship probably because after the new site got up, the traffic went down some more, he also says Zeitgeist: Beyond The Pale will be released at the end of 2012 which will probably be extremely lame since he has nothing to talk about now since the public cult divorce and says he’s thinking about doing a series of videos from 20-30 minute clips about more shit without the Zeitgeist name on it. Yeah…. He will also be speaking at the Columbia University by the end of January for another film festival [to beg for an Artivist Award which I don't think he has yet for the 3rd film] showing Zeitgeist: Moving Forward and in early February, he will be speaking in Israel for some global peace arrangement, even after being bashed by the Venus Project Israel coordinator, funny, and also explains why he couldn’t make it to this event in December by saying because of their scheduling issues and supposedly, he made contributions there. He also says that the next ZDAY will be in Vancouver, I would be surprised if no one calls them out there like others have this year, they know how to piss of people in Canada very well.
This is where he says “structural classism” is racism from his previous show, I guess he thinks only white people are rich after saying he doesn’t recognize race ? He also doesn’t think it makes sense for someone to work harder to get paid more as he rants on about baboons with hate for the human nature argument, how he can’t get health insurance when he says all insurance companies are about business while bitching about his back, says felons can’t jobs because they are still in prison or else they are out of prison and no longer a felon as Peter Joseph Merola doesn’t seem to get, saying money is debt and says no one can be equal to a dentist, admitting that there will always be specialists, therefore, debunking a Resource-Based Economy. He also said for like the 3rd time that if you want more things, then you’re being violent, not wanting to blow up dams and kill 1,000 people, not wanting to kill people in Africa that might take food from some garden by Douglas Mallette, not trying to assassinate a politician and celebrate about it as great publicity for TZM and ZMF while hypocritically criticizing those celebrating Bin Laden being hunted down and killed, no, just wanting more stuff, but why is this violent ? If we have technology now to make abundance according to what Zeitards say, then wanting more isn’t hurting [using their logic] anyone. See, debunking their [or his] logic is easy.
Part 8 [Now Part 7]: Attacks And Grievances
This is where he’ll complain once again about the criticism he’s surrounded by like he did before and will say that no one has legit criticism. Probably even some more Cointelpro rants, maybe he will provide proof that we’re all getting paid to bash TZM. Maybe this will be something I’ll listen to in 2012, but for the most part, the Zeitgeist Movement is dead.
Update: 4/4/2012
I wasn’t going to even talk about this radio show, but I looked at the 2010 reviews I gave, and said to myself, I can try to narrow this down as short as possible. As anyone could predict, Peter Joseph Merola talked about how much of a success ZDAY was, and anyone can see that the shit flopped and the decrease [by attendance] has shown every year. He kind of says the same thing as he admits that he was confronted by the low amount of ZDAY events as someone questioned it to him after looking at their cult map activity. Peter Joseph Merola even surprisingly admits that he lost members, even coordinators and said they left because they really didn’t know what TZM was all about. But this doesn’t stop Peter Joseph Merola uploading failed events on the official youtube channel, he was officially beaten to that tho. As far as the review of the Vancouver ZDAY event itself, then I would recommend this article to read, it sums shit up in case you missed it, he did a lot of tweeting about it as well. So after that, Peter Joseph Merola declares the lecture series to be over and says that there is no criticism about what the Zeitgeist Movement or the Venus Project says, that’s it, then for the newcomers, he lists all the things people should watch by him, his lectures and then he recommends the orientation guide to read, as he did that, Peter Joseph Merola says that was written by himself, I guess this is his way taking another shot at Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows since both of their names are on it originally. Peter Joseph Merola even promoted POO [Paradise or Oblivion] and holds back on the criticism he admits to having about it. Once Peter Joseph Merola gets done with his pouting, he talks about taking over the radiowaves in California on AM, lets see what happens with that as he promises to try to keep his radio show on blogtalkradio rotating again, at the same time. With new projects, his mood keeps shifting from optimistic to pessimistic. He goes on to talk about that TZM may not be remembered and that Zeitards shouldn’t look at themselves as heroes, but only he can be the hero, because he tried to take credit for Occupy Wall Street. Yeah.. So after trying to take credit for that after saying people shouldn’t be egotistical and try to take credit for things, he then talks about the Chapter Guide, there’s going to be a new Orientation guide with a Chapter guide and it will come with a video and Peter Joseph Merola expects it to be viral as his other cult films. Like every radio show, Peter Joseph Merola mentions a book by someone that had one eye, I don’t remember why, the name I can’t pronounce for the life of me, but he recommended a book by the name of “Earth, Science, Alloys”, I can’t find it, he mentioned that Art is just like Science in some way and praised John Lennon some more and says that the next Zeitgeist Media Festival will be sometime in the first week of August, he didn’t list any names or anything, so he doesn’t sound prepared about it at all. Then he concludes the show by saying he needs a “army of people” to give lectures because no one’s good as him yet, I guess that’s his way of making fun of his current lecture team and then he puts on Cliff [a pre-recorded part of the radio show] that talks about their next cult holiday, assuming that will happen every year as well now, with the project called “One Planet Project” that will take place next month globally where I guess everyone goes outside and tries to collect people’s email addresses to spam the shit out of them and give them more of a chance to lie about their numbers, this was proof to me that they are trying to revive something that’s dead.
Thanks for reading.
December 31, 2011
TZM Member Admits To Cult Behavior
#TZM #FAIL - A member says they are acting like a cult and tries to offer debating advice: http://t.co/iYeAqioq #Zeitgeist #TVP #RBE #LOL— Mario Brotha (@MarioBrotha) October 25, 2011
Censored: Zeitgeist Movement Forums Have Been Removed
Author: James Kush
The Zeitgeist Forums have finally been removed. Since the Zeitgeist Movement was recently reported to the FBI for forum posts related to murdering elites to bring about the RBE, it took little time for Peter Joseph to remove the forums completely.
more reading on this subject here: http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/forum/4991/sad-day-tzm-forums-are-gone/
Ever since then, I don’t think I saw a new person register on VTV’s forums, that let's you know how much he’s liked.
November 6, 2011
VTV's credibility has been utterly destroyed. I feel sorry for the guy.
November 6, 2011
I thought destroying him was the plan. Don’t feel sorry.
March 20, 2012
VTV will always keep destroying himself when he still ebegs on facebook:

This was on Jacque Fresco’s birthday, perfect timing lol. I can’t feel sorry for those who take advantage of people.
March 20, 2012
Ian showed us a trick, I don’t think anyone noticed, but if you put www2 instead of www in the links of the Zeitgeist Movement old forum threads, you can still read them.
March 18, 2012
useless but amusing.
TOPIC: List of Suspended Users
March 18, 2012
wow, thanks for this ian and dr mario!!
March 18, 2012
Hi, I just found that link on Anticultist’s blog, but I’m happy to have made a contribution.
March 21, 2012
Parallel Government Video Censored
"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by #TZM NPO" WTF ? http://t.co/bBrCJkJ1 #Zeitgeist #TVP #RBE #PostScarcity— Mario Brotha (@MarioBrotha) October 19, 2011
This shit is funny:
They created a facebook page in order to hijack the #OccupyWallStreet Movement.
October 19, 2011
Since there are no more forums and the site looks boring now, this is what I was talking about:
October 21, 2011
Maybe it’s just me, maybe.. but I caught something, when I was looking at the Parallel Government facebook page, I caught a correlation:
“Um . . .why am I the only one to…”
VOR talks the same way when you look at his own posts and comments, here’s an example:
“Um… what does citing my sources have to do with clarifying my position?”
If VOR is running that facebook page, then TZM is only ruining themselves for allowing a racist pathological liar run pages like this, you know, like how he does with “ZeitgeistResponds”.
October 22, 2011
Easiest way to check is to get the email used on it and then login with elite245 as the password LOL
before you all get on zeitgeist because you don’t recognize it, its something new and react to it like any prejudice does, learn about it first, you may find they are your biggest friends. I’ve been following the zeitgeist movement for years. while the occupy movement has force, momentum and power to actually do something, it has no answers, no direction, its a mindless mass of action with no solution towards its goal. zeitgeist on the other hand has none of this, but everything you need, an answer, direction, an actual solution to the problem, learn what it is and learn that a situation where anybody from zeitgeist leading anything is impossible for what you both have in common is an idea, it takes no face, no body, but is limitless in its potential
added note: TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY! complaining about people hijacking the movement. how selfish can any of you be, this is bigger than all of your right nows. this is an actual future for the human race, for our kids, ALL of our kids to enjoy a happy life they choose to live, any life they choose to live
November 6, 2011
More people aren’t taking this RBE shit realistically and pissed off about the hijack of OWS. I found a new article to prove that:
November 25, 2011
#OccupyWallStreet Is Not The Movement!
"Occupy Wall Street has made it clear Zeitgeist Movement might get the mic at events just like every other fringe elements have the right to a mic. They also requested certain Facebook Occupy Pages to remove Zeitgeist elements from the page. The Zeitgeist Movement organizers are most famous for plotting to kill hundreds of innocent people and may not have access to organizing some Occupy events, notably, Vancouver. Dr Mario posted this audio on youtube." -James Kush
Thank you justintempler:
October 22, 2011
Maybe Occupy Tucson will start tomorrow (Saturday, Oct. 15) like the Occupy Wall Street mother ship did with just a handful of people taking over Zuccotti Park in NYC’s Financial District eventually growing into thousands. During the Steve Leal Show on Thursday, Oct. 13, one of the volunteers said he hopes to see at least 1,000 show up at Armory Park.As one of the cities with the highest foreclosure rates in the country and a community supported by a continually growing class of working poor, it shouldn’t be too hard to find 1,000 times ten in Tucson who are angry and frustrated and can easily identify as the 99 percent.However, before the protests have even started, a few questions grew out of the Occupy Tucson planning meetings. At first, frustrations presented to The Range were not unexpected — some venting about the collective consensus process used in making decisions that it is cumbersome and time consuming. One example was the second planning meeting on Sunday, Oct. 9 that started with almost 250 people, but by the time votes were finally taken on the first agenda items, the crowd was down to 150.This is the meeting where everyone decided nicely to abandon using the Pancho Villa park during Tucson Meet Yourself and occupy Armory Park. The general assembly still needs to decide what to do after the folk festival — go back to the smaller park that is more visible or stay at Armory.Zeitgeist Tucson or Occupy Tucson?Then the unexpected — calls to the Range included frustrations over anti-Semitic comments, lack of women or people of color represented in the leadership, and then worries that those taking early leadership roles in planning were all part of the Zeitgeist Movement, and then the final concern was that anyone questioning these issues were being pushed out.During the Steve Leal Show (which you can listen to above), Craig Barber, an Occupy Tucson volunteer and co-organizer, responded to these concerns. He’s an admin on the Occupy Tucson Facebook page, and part of the Occupy Tucson IT Working Group. He was also featured this week onCountdown with Keith Olbermann talking about putting together Occupy Tucson. He came into the radio station studio with another Occupy Tucson volunteer, Ethan Beasley, to discuss the movement.Barber told us that the second planning meeting was scheduled on the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur but the need to reschedule it was addressed. The general assembly voted to change the meeting from Saturday to Sunday to “accommodate those in the Jewish community.”When Zeitgeist was brought up, Barber said the group was democratic and couldn’t control if there was any type of fringe element or demonstrators associated with controversial groups. Although, it was acknowledged that Asshat has been at the planning meetings.“We are aware of him,” Barber said.Why Zeitgeist (also known as the Venus Project) was brought to the Range’s attention as a concern is that some view the movement as a cult based on conspiracy theories on the illegitimate power of the federal government. But in Tucson some are more sensitive about the mention of Zeitgeist because of Jared Loughner. According to his friends interviewed after the Jan. 8 shooting, Loughner didn’t have any political allegiances, but an obsession with Zeitgeist. Loughner’s YouTube videos touched on Zeitgeist references on the Federal Reserve currency system and a government led system working to turn citizens into slaves. Much of this is available online in a series of videos produced by Zeitgeist, which have a large following.“As I mentioned before we are open to everybody who wants to come out and peacefully say their peace,” Barber said. “You will hear from a fringe element in our society…. We are not going to censor anyone who comes out, say for someone who instigates violence. You might hear a Zeitgeist person come out and speak, but don’t let that shape your perception of the group as a whole. Let what shapes your perception of the group as a whole in what the general assembly decides.“No singe political organization, no single religious group, no sort of elements politically have co-opted this. This is a grassroots community oriented group. All decisions are made by the general assembly,” Barber said.Another concern raised is about the structure of the leadership people see before the general assembly and planning meetings — all male and mostly Anglo.“It’s not just about inviting us to the dance, but sharing power,” Leal told Barber during the show. During break, Barber said they are aware of this issue and they are working on addressing changes. Another idea thrown out is to use progressive stacking, which would have to be voted on before the general assembling at the park this weekend — it means giving women and minorities first go in making comments and bringing ideas before the general assembly.Occupy Feminist-Style or Doctress Neutopia Gets PissedOne person Barber and Beasley may want to reach out to is Tucson’s own Doctress Neutopia, Libby Hubbard. Hubbard sent the Range a press release today that there’s going to be another Occupy event going on in reaction to feeling pushed out by Barber and another Occupy Tucson organizer Jon McClane. McClane is a one-time Green Party candidate for mayor who was unable to run because he did not live within city limits. McClane ended up throwing his support behind Republican Shaun McClusky.According to Hubbard’s release, she and Tara Carreon have started Occupy Tucson for Everybody, “a newly-formed group that has its own take on the “Occupy” movement. Noting that “Craig Barber and Tucson Green Party mayoral candidate Jon McLane already started one Occupy Tucson movement …”“OTFE is focused on instigating social change. Barber and McLane are focused on creating a cadre of believers, and they are silencing the voices of people who want to have input. I tried to post some quotes from John Stuart Mill on their Facebook site, and they banned me. So I figured, what the heck, protest is too important to monopolize. The “Occupy” concept is valid, and the discontent being voiced on Wall Street is felt by a lot of people here locally. But I don’t want to subordinate my voice to the will of people like Barber and McLane, so I’m starting what I call an auxiliary group,” Carreon is quoted saying in Hubbard’s press release.“OTFE is an auxiliary in that we are a second group with similar goals and different methods. We will attract people who are not comfortable with the doctrinaire attitude of the Barber/McLane crowd. Take for example this ‘consensus’ decision-making process, that they claim is better than majority voting for reaching agreement. Consensus is the title of a book written by European anarchist Peter Gelderloos. I’m not an anarchist. I believe in majority voting, in getting things done, not in talking about them forever, which is what happens in a consensus decision-making environment.”Occupy Tucson for Everyone has a website at occupytucson.us and they will be protesting at University Boulevard and Park Avenue, at the U of A front gate, 10 a.m until 12 midnight on Saturday, Oct. 15.How Will TPD and City Hall React to Folks at Armory Park?If you’ve kept up on what’s been going on with other Occupy events across the country, then the arrests made in Boston when police wanted protestors off a public city park should be a concern, especially how police may react in Tucson.Barber said Occupy Tucson reps met recently with city of Tucson and Tucson Police Department officials and have tried to reach all city council members for support.“Some of the organizers have reached out to the city just to assuage fears. What is it that people react most violently against, what they are afraid of,” or don’t understand, Barber said. The group wanted to meet with police to communicate that Occupy Tucson is nonviolent and peaceful, and to make sure there are open lines of communication.There was some confusion that perhaps Occupy Tucson applied for park permits to allow them to assemble at Armory Park through the weekend. When the Range first talked with TPD public information officer Sgt. Maria Hawke, she said the police respect the protestors constitutional rights to assemble, but that TPD was waiting to hear back from the city on if a special permit was being provided.Barber confirmed that Occupy Tucson has not applied for any permits, “because we have the right to assemble. thanks to our first amendment rights, on public land.”According to Fred Gray, director of Tucson Parks and Recreation, the city, parks and police officials have all been communicating and did meet with Occupy Tucson representatives. Gray said they were advised of the city’s rules and regulations, “and likewise informed us that they don’t intend to request permits.”Armory Park closes at 10:30 p.m., so if protestors stay they will be in violation of city code. There’s also an irrigation system in place and the sprinklers are on a schedule. When permits are filed for park use, those sprinklers are turned off — but in this case they remain on.What will happen to those at the park Saturday and Sunday night at 10:30 p.m.? Gray said that is not up to him, but up to TPD. The Range is still waiting to hear back from Sgt. Hawke to get an answer to that question.
Mark Dice Is Still Talking Shit
The "Zeitgeist Movement" isn't really a movement, it's pretty much an email list of pipe dreaming communists. Move along.Nothing to see here— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) October 6, 2011
Ray Kurzweil Debunks Technological Unemployment
#TZM #FAIL - Ray Kurzweil aka Zeitard Idol debunks Technological Unemployment at the Google #Zeitgeist event: http://t.co/AU01iEoa #TVP #RBE— Mario Brotha (@MarioBrotha) September 29, 2011
Global Banned Mixtape: One Year Anniversary

You can download this mixtape on the mission to spread the truth about PJ Merola and his TZM sect.
Track Listing:
Name | Size | Magnet Link | eD2K Link | |
![]() | oh peter.mp3 | 3.54 MB | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() | what would have to happen ft aj and pj.mp3 | 2.95 MB | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() | news for TZM.mp3 | 2.44 MB | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() | shut up ft alex jones and peter joseph.mp3 | 2.41 MB | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() | extraneous whats up with you.mp3 | 2.18 MB | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() | we kill ya zeitgeist.mp3 | 1.95 MB | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() | the grand smile.mp3 | 1.23 MB | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() | TZM is wack.mp3 | 1.06 MB | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() | when you do it its loving ft alex jones.mp3 | 379.20 KB | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() | get ready ft alex jones.mp3 | 212.75 KB | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() | Torrent downloaded from Demonoid com.txt | 47.00 B | ![]() | ![]() |
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