I wasn’t going to do an article about this, but this article isn’t proof that TZM is alive, it’s just proof that I felt like blogging out of boredom, that’s it. I mean, if I want to be a good critic, I have to pay attention to the bullshit that’s said, even if I’m three days late, so I’m going to go over and I may update this article when Peter Joseph Merola gets on the radio again instead of making another article. I appreciate those who have been reading my articles here and on my site, now, on with the show.
Peter Joseph Merola starts the show with a guy repeating over his music “I create nothing, I own”, I guess this is Peter Joseph Merola’s way of saying if you don’t create stuff, being an invention, you don’t have the right to have anything. He’s doing his best to convince me he’s not for end communism as you can see.
Peter Joseph Merola says the show will be about answering some questions and he says that they were well created, I lol’d, because when he said “created”, I started to think that he’s making up questions now to himself like how some critics think he made up Charles Robinson because I don’t know how these questions were actually submitted since they don’t have a forum anymore. Speaking of that, he says he will be trying to bring the forum back to be added on the Chapter site, not the main site, we’ll see if that actually happens.
Peter Joseph Merola says that new chapters were created, they are now in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore, but what I found funny about some chapters were that they are losing them that use to exist in the United States alone as those former chapters take you here.
Peter Joseph Merola rants on about how no one understands the Zeitgeist Movement and says it’s p. much about trying to create relevant change with a bunch of Scientism rhetoric and says they are trying to end hunger and blah blah blah blah blah. I’m not really convinced that they care about the world with their lip service.
Peter Joseph Merola says that everyone agrees on ending world hunger, but when the solution is RBE, then people disagree with them and that would make sense because RBE would encourage hyper hoarding since everything would be free and if you think everyone is out for themselves in the monetary system now, watch out! So there, I debunked Resource-Based Economy or natural law economy or whatever those Zeitards call it now.
Peter Joseph Merola says that TED talks have picked up on their message when I see TED talks that back up what we [critics] say to show the monetary system is getting better, I would recommend people check out the following TED talks:
"Hans Rosling and the magic washing machine"
"Rory Sutherland: Perspective is everything"
"Steven Pinker: Chalking it up to the blank slate"
I find it hilarious when I see Zeitards promote TED when I can find TED talks debunking whatever people for TZM say. Peter Joseph Merola also promotes his latest TED talk called “The Big Question” which was honestly retarded and boring where it sounds like only 5 people clapped at the end of the video. So when a Zeitard only provide collapse porn, please provide these videos for them to search for and watch to let them know people do have concerns and are trying to create a better world. But of course, when we provide TED talks to show why we disagree with RBE, they still call us trolls. Nothing will be good enough for them because they want utopia [watch the Venus Project new film called POO aka Paradise or Oblivion] and as Peter Joseph Merola becomes more upset when talking about our criticism, he decided to create the “Peter Joseph Challenge”, now honestly, Zeitards shouldn’t be creating challenges if they can’t handle a critic’s challenge, here are some examples of what I’m talking about:
Chris White's Zeitgeist Challenge.
Muertos' challenge if they ever decide to read the book "Seeing Like A State".
Jim Jesus' challenge if they ever decide to read "Economic Calculation In The Socialist Commonwealth".
Peter Joseph Merola obnoxiously stated his challenge saying critics are cowards and hide behind avatars, but, the challenges I put up above are promoted by people who aren’t hiding from Zeitards in anyway. So he sounds silly ranting like this, but, if anyone wants to take him up on his challenge, you can email him at media@thezeitgeistmovement and put in the subject line “TZM Objections” and he will bring you on his radio show and allow you to bash RBE and he says he’s confident to put you in a fetal position, honestly, I don’t think that will ever happen since he hid himself when it came to Stefan Molanew and put the fat elf aka VTV in front of him to protect himself from a debate about his neomarxist drivel.
Peter Joseph Merola also rambles on by saying that if you criticize Zeitards because they don’t have a transition plan, then it’s like criticizing a homeless person for not knowing how to survive. Sure people for TZM might be broke, but they live with their parents, so I wouldn’t describe them as homeless, so I can’t really feel sorry for them if they choose to be bums.
Peter Joseph Merola tells the listeners to imagine when there was only newspapers where you could get your information from only and starts hinting that’s there’s a conspiracy against TZM to keep it silent when in reality it’s just dead and many people decided to get off a sinking ship metaphorically speaking.
Peter Joseph Merola says people don’t realize they don’t have to work in the “capacity” they do, it sounded like he was trying to say no one has to work now because there are machines that can do everything now and evil capitalists aren’t allowing Zeitards to be fat and lazy.
Peter Joseph Merola says if central planning didn’t work, an airplane couldn’t fly, he thinks inventing things is the same thing as some technical elite telling people what they need and want which he denies that’s what it is, his logic is getting more retarded as I listen to him, I thought he was going to rant some more about how we stopped politicians from making airplanes when I’m p. sure they never did. He can bash the monetary system all he wants, but with money, I can buy what I want and I enjoy my freedom very much.
Peter Joseph Merola rambles on about his project and farts with his mouth for some reason, I think he was making fun of VTV, but I’m just gossiping, anyways, he thinks projects are websites, yeah, you can really see how much hardwork they are doing to save the world, the list:
The main site
The Zeitnews site which is copy and pasta from other science sites.
The chapter site which now has a chapter guide.
Their blog site I forgot about.
The Zeitgeist Media Project site where Zeitard art is uploaded.
The Zeitgeist Media Circus site where they do "anally". Peter Joseph Merola made me lol hard.
The Zeitard day site.
The Zeitard site that looks like facebook.
Their facebook group.
Their One Planet Project site where they tried to collect emails and only collected about 200 emails out the 500,000, impressive.
I’m too lazy to provide links to them.
Peter Joseph Merola mentioned the Zeitgeist Media Festival again, he encourages people to still have them no matter how small of a turnout it is and admits that he will be wasting money again on the main event that will flop like the first time, also, he sounded like he will not be entertaining Zeitards this year as he mentions that he has to have some surgery on his arm which make me wonder if he watched “I, Robot” recently and feels threatened by Shimon. Oh shit, technological unemployment is real! anyways, he says the videos from the first one aren’t all up and should be coming soon, as if I want to watch more Master Zero videos.
Peter Joseph Merola then talks about the lecture team. He’s still looking for people which is strange since I thought he had an all star team, whom were present at ZDAY this year in Vancouver. As you see, there are famous now. So if you want to get some groupies because you suck at getting a girlfriend, email Peter Joseph Merola at media@thezeitgeistmovement.com with the subject line “I Need To Get Laid From All This Activism”. Well just one groupie to share if you look at the picture again.
Peter Joseph Merola promotes his show without mentioning it and I guess he’s talking about his new project “Cult in Decline”, I mean, “Culture In Decline” which is suppose to be coming out next month as he laughs and makes fun of society because less people aren’t believing in a RBE.
In my past articles, going over the radio shows in Q&A, I’m not asking these questions to him, I’m not talking to myself, I’m going over the questions that Peter Joseph Merola gets from his followers and I post both the questions and answers in all satire.
Question 1: Abolition of prisons and laws, happening or not ? Do you defend the current prison system now ?Peter Joseph Merola: First of all Russell, I have personal insecurities with myself, so I’m calling you out by your name and everyone else now, anyways, you didn’t pay attention at all to what I said, I’m talking about the transition, I want to remove 95 percent of jails and officers since a RBE will only have 5 percent of crime still, also, there are smarter people than Jacque Fresco that knows more about human behavior. Also I don’t believe in punishment, but I’m not going to say people should be rewarded for being assholes because I will look like an asshole, also, look into Dr. Gabor Maté because he knows more about parenting than anyone from the Venus Project. Also, James Gilligan.Question 2: What happens in a RBEM when something is in high demand and in low supply ?Peter Joseph Merola: It depends Patrick, see, nano technology will save us by creating abundance, so this question is irrelevant, but lets assume magical abundance isn’t real, never mind, I’m going to bash the monetary system again, I hope that makes sense now if you don’t want emotional instability. A RBE will automatically correct itself because I say so and it’s not a utopia even tho I stressed that nano technology is going to save us.Question 3: What will the family be like in the future ? Will it be like today or will people just have babies and everyone will be dead beat fathers and mothers and creating more people with addictions because of children having abandonment issues as Dr. Gabor Maté says ?Peter Joseph Merola: Look Fabian, I wonder if you’re a fabian socialist, anyways the jury is still out on that issue, wait, that didn’t sound scientific. But I have read from Gabor Maté and Robert Sapolsky and when it comes to behavior, it’s hard to predict, some connections can be detected, some can’t, but anyways, it’s about communication and children like mothers better according to what I read, no one cares about father’s day.Question 4: Will there be a place in space exploration in a RBE ?Peter Joseph Merola: Of course Ambroshay, we are meant to explore, google Carl Sagan.Question 5: What about ECP ?Peter Joseph Merola: Chorey, there won’t be any economic calculation problem because in the future, there won’t be such a thing as subjective value, so this video is propaganda. Plus supply and demand is easily manipulated because I say so. Imagine living on an island being stranded, that will be a RBE, so it’s possible, also look into Jacque Fresco’s story about him being in a South Pacific island and not staying, it will all make sense to you. I don’t care what “monetary economists” say, never mind me loading the language.Question 6: Shouldn’t we have the current prison system like people for those crazy people ?Peter Joseph Merola: I answered this already Tyler, it’s all about the humanity factor, google that, also, I’m going to be doing an essay on how people support free speech and not free action even tho we’re never going to do a test city because I always need my ego stroked. I will admit, I don’t know what causes schizophrenia, I think genes do play a role, so if I ramble on about people being blank slates, please don’t let my contradictions confuse you. I think people should go to hotel resorts instead of prisons in the future, even that guy Anders Breivik.Question 7: Will you be exposing false values ? I think this needs to be done and won’t be done talking about Science and Technology all the time.Peter Joseph Merola: Ahmid [I'm spelling these names horribly wrong, I apologize] the Occupy movement has done nothing after looking at some presidential debates, all we have to do is prove how everything is unscientific.Question 8: When do we call out politicians ?Peter Joseph Merola: Well Christopher, the whole system is corrupt, it’s not the political leaders, so do your best to ignore VTV and Scott Keller and people calling us marxists because of them. I’m also working on the Global Redesign Institute still.Question 9: How do we handle apathy ? My community garden activism isn’t generating any attention.Peter Joseph Merola: Well I’m sorry I can’t pronounce your name, the scientific method couldn’t help me, but that’s why we need bio-social pressure, also, you shouldn’t have mentioned your garden activism, because people already think we’ll only be feeding them lettuce, I personally blame Douglas Mallette for that.Question 10: Will there always be under construction since RBE is always being updated ?Peter Joseph Merola: Well Jared, construction won’t look like what he have today, machines will make everything look beautiful in the future.Question 11: I talked to a politician and he said geothermal energy was dangerous and he said automating everything wouldn’t happen because everything needs an original source, who would be the blame if anything broke down and cause danger in any way ?Peter Joseph Merola: Christian, I don’t know what he’s talking about with geothermal energy, please look at Iceland and ignore the earthquakes in Switzerland that caused by it, so this politician running for governor with an engineering background has no idea what he is talking about and you’re making me look bad reading what you just said since now people still think that we are still contradicting ourselves some more, as far as automation, he has no idea what he is talking about. Also your name makes me cringe.Question 12: We need an academic journal, what do you think ?Peter Joseph Merola: Calem, we’re working on a new orientation guide, so this is kind of what we are already doing. I know it was suppose to come out last year, but it should be coming out this year hopefully.Question 13: How can we contribute to Scientific Awareness ? Also Neil DeGrasse Tyson is brilliant.Peter Joseph Merola: Of course, that’s what we do Richard. Also, I will be making new films, I was retarded for saying I was going to retire my Zeitgeist series, but I won’t do that. By the way, it gets on my nerves when people keep debunking and talking about my first film.Question 14: How will we take care of old people in the future ?Peter Joseph Merola: Hello other Richard, well, this is a cultural issue, I know I said everything can be solved with Science, but obviously I’m retarded, I don’t think we should think about segregation when it comes to old people, MLK wouldn’t like that, but, I don’t know, it’s a social issue. Also, please ignore this.Question 15: How will we go about educational awareness ?Peter Joseph Merola: Well Anthony we should have recess in schools because I don’t think recess exist anymore.Question 16: How do we sustain population control ?Peter Joseph Merola: I can’t pronounce your name either, the answer is education, if you see, in poor countries, people have more kids and people living in better environments don’t have as much kids, so hopefully people think twice about having children, please ignore what I said in the past about only having one child, I thought about this and saw how retarded I was because if you think about it, if parents only have one child, that child is more likely wouldn’t want to share anything.Question 17: How would you explain the groupmind of the time ?Peter Joseph Merola: I’m not sure what you mean Luke, I think I have ADHD.Question 18: What about small scale transformations first instead of everything being global ?Peter Joseph Merola: Kauchia, the Kibbutz is not a RBE, I don’t think they are scientific, please don’t imagine that on a large scale.Question 19: Do we give incentive to get others to participate in activism ?Peter Joseph Merola: Matt that incentive is going to come from looking at things differently, I don’t know really how to answer that question.Question 20: How do you maintain the integrity of TZM ?Peter Joseph Merola: Jay I’m not sure what you’re implying, per se.Question 21: Whoever controls reproduction controls the world, what do you think ?Peter Joseph Merola: Sharon I understand your observation, I can only see equality continuing and people don’t think women are just things that give birth.Question 22: What makes other perceptions valid compared to other ones ?Peter Joseph Merola: Sam that’s a great question, all I can say is plant the seeds like Bill Hicks would say. Hopefully new terms and semantic changes will be understood more.
Thanks for reading.