
Censored: Brandy Hume Exposed By Bob

bobcharlie@hotmail.com says:
Brandy attached herself to the movement as a career move. she may actually follow the logic and context of the movement, but her looks bumped her up the food chain with very little effort on her part aside from her couple of videos. A lot of members in the movement suspected her and she always acted shocked, but very early she had posted a professional model shot picture to use for Zeitgeist and a bunch of members complained so she removed it. It was telling though, it became apparent she just wanted her name and face out there, and the Zeitgeist Movement was a way to get people to learn about her.
  • Mario Brotha says:
    Yeah when she made her first youtube video challenging people as she was defending the Venus Project, she was also auditioning for a Dr. Pepper commercial, well, I’m speculating at this point and this is why I say that:
    But it’s probably true if what you’re saying about what she did on facebook actually happened, I’m assuming it was facebook.

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