Desteni will shave your head for equality and Neil Kiernan Stephenson, the former Venus Project spokesman will cut your hair and leave his hair alone. Hypocrite. Also, I think Peter Joseph Merola is going bald too.
Censored: TVP Wins Face Off
Almost a year ago, there was a cult campaign from the Zeitgeist Movement that was created to have people upload a picture of themselves to share how their stories about how they joined the cult, I believe this was before the why I advocate cult campaign became popular. I just recently noticed that their website is down along with other websites promoting the cult and now the Venus Project has took this idea and ran with it. It looks unofficial, but looks official from the surface. The video was re-uploaded [since the original one was taken down] so that you can see how creepy their propaganda video back then looked like when they were promoting TZM faces faceless ?
What the fuck…what a bunch of fucking creeps.
It Starts With $200
To become an official Desteni member, you’ll be paying 200 Euros, almost $300 U.S. dollars a month and the website clearly states that there is no refund available at any time and to become an official Venusian, you have to visit the Venus Project and pay $200 U.S dollars to visit them and hear what you already Jacque Fresco said on youtube over and over and over again and if you want your money back from the Venus Project, you would have to go thru the IRS, because you don't get refunds with them either.
Cult Leaders Hate Opinions
When cults say this, they prove that they have delusional belief systems.
Censored: Zeitgeist Regional Townhall Meetings?
Update: They are for central planning:
#TZM #FAIL Peter Merola says: "either central planning, calculating society will work or we all die" @30m27s…—
Justin Templer (@justintempler) October 28, 2011
I wonder why this didn’t make it to youtube.
#TZM #FAIL Peter Merola says: "either central planning, calculating society will work or we all die" @30m27s…—
Justin Templer (@justintempler) October 28, 2011
Justin Templer (@justintempler) October 28, 2011
Zeitgeist Regional Townhall Meetings?
Now Peter Joseph Merola is trying to do this globally.
The Zeitgeist Movement’s Townhall Meetings are planned to be live, public events conducted by Official Regional Cult Chapters. These localized cult events are similar in function to their annual global ”Zeitgeist Day” [ZDAY aka Zombie Day] events but this cult event is suppose to occur ideally monthly. Their plan for this event is to inform the public of their goals [which they don't have anymore since the Venus Project dumped them] with their understandings hence get critical mass since 500,000 people isn’t enough to do anything. But there’s nothing unique to this because as you see, this is just a fancy way naming Chapter meetings but now trying to make Chapter meetings happen globally at the same time at the same day. Enforcing such a thing shows that the Zeitgeist Movement is failing. Peter Joseph Merola is trying to plan this when the Zeitgeist Media Festival hasn’t even kicked off yet but he suggest that the cult event happens the 3rd weekend of each month, why ? Who knows. But this is how he wants the format:
1) Intro Orientation: Talk about how the Zeitgeist Movement began and how it tries to be the activist arm of the Venus Project after being rejected by Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows.
2) TZM News: Announcements of new data or programs emerging globally or regionally that TZM has not contributed too and call it TZM news somehow.
3) Societal Breakdown Update: Fearmonger about the economic collapse to soon come.
4) Problem Solving Update: Try to come up with solutions of their own.
5) Guest Speakers: Get desperate and ask people to be guest speakers who are actually doing something for humanity to help make the Zeitgeist Movement image look good.
6) Q&A: Struggle with awkward questions for 20 minutes at the end.
With all this energy going to be put into having better Chapter meetings, you have to wonder if they will ever do a ZDAY again as Peter Joseph Merola stresses the importance of telling Zeitards to do this and suggesting to set up a chipin widget to raise money to organize such events while VTV aka Neil Kiernan Stephenson [former Venus Project spokesman] is collecting money because he refuses to get a job. Peter Joseph Merola says that they will not tolerate abuse with transparent donations, well, I think Peter Joseph Merola was always tolerant. Then I read this:
Sadly, as with any advancement for true social change, tension and dispute is possible. Larger events might need to have some form of security. It is at the discretion of each Chapter to gauge such a need. This might incur a budget requirement as well. Overall, the approach to these meetings should be calm, objective and non-inflammatory. Any person attending with hostility should be treated with respect to avoid disputes. it is important that those chapter members creating these events be prepared to handle, in a civil, respectful way, anyone who might cause problems. Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules for this but generally speaking if respect is shown, respect is reciprocated.
I wonder what made Peter Joseph Merola say that.
Felida Calls Out Desteni
More people are standing up to Desteni and I'm loving it. This blog has motivated me to make a toolkit against the Desteni cult like I'm still always building for the Zeitgeist Movement as they continue to be against freedom of speech as those who preach equality that are Destonians.
2020 Is The Deadline
May 21st, 2020 is the exact day, that seems to be the rumor from what I heard, the day that a Resource-Based Economy will be at work and the day the Equal Money System will work as well. Even if this prediction was true, someone would lose, they both can't have their utopia system worldwide at the same time, can they ?
From the Venus Project, this is what Jacque Fresco says:
From the Venus Project, this is what Jacque Fresco says:
"It'll take about ten years to change the surface of the Earth."
This video came from an original interview that took place in last year in 2010, so when he says this, he's predicting that a RBE will happen globally in 2020. But Desteni is more explicit about their prediction:
With both of their predictions, but they both describe their systems as to bring "heaven on Earth" as well.
Be aware.
Of course, the video with Jacque Fresco was reported on by the former spokesman of TVP, Neil Kiernan Stephenson
Be aware.
Of course, the video with Jacque Fresco was reported on by the former spokesman of TVP, Neil Kiernan Stephenson
A Facebook Group Found
You'll be amazed how many anti TZM shit I see on facebook, but I only found one group on facebook that's about exposing the Desteni cult, if you ever want to chit chat, you can find me available there. Lets do some networking. We might as well, shit, we're all on their retarded enemy list or going to be.
They Will Win?
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win."
-- Mahatma Gandhi
They are both losing I think.
I find it funny how both cults use this quote as they think they are in the right path and think they are help humanity, so far, I still see those who are exposing them, still exposing them, not joining, I see people getting banned still and I see people leaving. So what are Desteni and the Zeitgeist Movement talking about ? People just join them anymore and they know this, so now, the cult war for members continues.
-- Mahatma Gandhi
They are both losing I think.
I find it funny how both cults use this quote as they think they are in the right path and think they are help humanity, so far, I still see those who are exposing them, still exposing them, not joining, I see people getting banned still and I see people leaving. So what are Desteni and the Zeitgeist Movement talking about ? People just join them anymore and they know this, so now, the cult war for members continues.
The Pub Doesn't Help
It's not helping the Desteni cult, that for damn sure. By pub, I mean publicity. This Darryl W. Thomas guy is hilarious, I was just reading some of his rants and this one in particular was interesting. It demonstrates how irrational high profile cult members can get at times. He starts off by saying this from last year:
"The Desteni Haters are teaming up on You Tube and they have the Desteni Cult in their sights!"
I like how he screams for a handicap as if the Desteni cult is not organized on youtube/wordpress/blogspot, sarcastically calling his own group a cult doesn't help either. That's bad pub Darryl W. Thomas. He goes on to say:
"Using a variety of weapons at their disposal, well except intelligence, wit and humility… and common sense… and a dash of understanding… and, oh, yeah… basic reading comprehension skills."
As this blog evolves, he's going to see how much common sense I have, how much intelligence I have and how much wit I have at my disposal to show them that I do know what's going on. My reading skills are good too:
"They have created a virtue of hiding behind fake names to assert their “individuality.”
I noticed this with the Zeitgeist Movement too, they bitch about you hiding but yet collect your personal information and make it public in this cult blacklists. Hypocritical ? I think so.
"Haahaahahahaa… oh, excuse me. I’m laughing so hard I can barely type."
I'm laughing too, where are your eyebrows ?
"I mean, really. They have 9 subscribers. I have over 2000 and I’m not even trying to add more."
I'm sure he's talking about the 2,000 people on youtube that the Desteni Cult took out in January:
When it comes to statistics, overall, they aren't going anywhere fast [update from this year] compared to the Zeitgeist Movement, but even the Zeitgeist Movement isn't going anywhere fast, anymore:
It sounds more realistic that he only has nine subscribers himself.
"They think their weak-ass and anonymous multiple accounts is somehow “applying pressure on Desteni.” Wow. I have to admit, that’s as lame as internet bullying can get. I mean, forming a cult-watch you tube channel to stop a perceived “danger” can only be done by mental cases, bored housewives and nerds needing girlfriends.
If cults want to thank us, you're welcome. This is another thing I have noticed, when you take the time to investigate cults, someone in the hierarchy screams "cyber bullying", "harassment" and retarded shit like that. That's not the case, we're just cult watching as Darryl Thomas puts it. The insults really help prove that Desteni is not a cult.
I'm Suggested For Banning
Damn, that was quick:
I thought the Zeitgeist Movement was retarded for their facebook blacklist, but Desteni got one for facebook and youtube. You should check to see if you're on there yourself, you might be surprised since they decided to suggest banning the whole world.
Now you're on my Destenitard list Reginald Diepenhorst, congrats.
Now you're on my Destenitard list Reginald Diepenhorst, congrats.
The Nintendo War Begins
It's a honor [LMAO] to get comments from the sub cult leader himself, he goes by the name of Darryl W. Thomas who bitches about people who call Desteni a cult, he's in cult denial and has been in it for awhile, in the beginning. But the comments you see above came from James Kush's blog:
Zeitgeist and Desteni: Cult Wars
It's was basically a repost from the blogger who runs this blog and has put in a lot of effort in exposing the Desteni cult and pointing out that any attempt to try to debunk his critics will be a waste of time. But Darryl is dumb, he thought the blog was originated by James Kush himself:
Jacque Fresco Attacks My Channel
Jacque Fresco just shutdown my youtube account: #RBE #TZM #TVP #ZEITGEIST #VENUS #EMS #DESTENI #CULTS— Mario Brotha (@MarioBrotha) May 10, 2011
Jacque Fresco make Destenians fall Asleep
I uploaded a @YouTube video Jacque Fresco's Lectures makes people fall Asleep— Mario Brotha (@MarioBrotha) May 10, 2011
Jacque Fresco makes a Michael Jackson Joke
I uploaded a @YouTube video Jacque Fresco makes a Michael Jackson Joke— Mario Brotha (@MarioBrotha) May 4, 2011
Censored: VTV Gets Fired
I liked a @YouTube video from @MarioBrotha The Venus Project change their minds about VTV a— SomethingSea (@SomethingSea) July 15, 2011
Damage control:
Some time ago, there was a guy named Duane Mullin who blatantly plagarized Jacque Fresco’s work. A black fellow from the UK. So I called him out on it publicly. Mr. Mullin’s lawyers contacted TVP threatened to sue so TVP’s lawyer suggested that I remove “official spokesman” so that I am free to say whatever without TVP getting in trouble for it.
That was 6 months, 2 weeks ago:
But he was still calling himself the Venus Project spokesman two months later:
If you don’t believe me, then take a look yourself:
Again, exposed as a big fat liar.
This is what Thunder aka Gregory Wantz had to say about what VTV aka hungry hungry hippo said:
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