
Epic Fail

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Censored: Quiz Discussions Are Silenced

In the past, when the quiz [cheat sheet to the quiz is there] was created, the cult, the Zeitgeist Movement had many debates about this issue and even confronting Peter Joseph Merola, the dictator, to the point where threads about this have disappeared. Recently with their thread called “Zeitgeist Posting Quiz“.
Peter Joseph Merola, the dictator was against the notion of having assignments being graded because it would create jealousy. An example would be if a student got an A and another student getting an F. This says a lot about Peter Joseph Merola, the dictator’s childhood. Peter Joseph Merola, the dictator, goes along this train of thought when he and Jacque Fresco complain about IQ tests, the reason for this is because they were both dropouts in school. Somehow they think they can grade people though. But now this quiz has emerged and now everyone has to be graded in order to socially network with the cult, the Zeitgeist Movement ?
It was said the purpose of the quiz was to stop trolls, but the quiz didn’t prevent arguments with those opposing, it sparked people to be critical thinking questioning the cult leader, Peter Joseph Merola, the dictator more and now when questioned about their authority, they are now trolls because it’s the perfect scapegoat for the cult leader, Peter Joseph Merola, the dictator and his minions to use.
Want to test your knowledge about the cult, the Zeitgeist Movement ? Here it is.


Censored: The Intellectual Bigot

Hypocrisy was spotted as Peter Joseph Merola, the dictator, was caught admitting that he use to live in a trailer, but this doesn’t show he has any empathy for those who are struggling when Zeitards say that can offer an empathic society. The clip came from the interview “Who Is Peter Joseph” on this specific part.
Well we know what he is now, an intellectual bigot.
Peter Joseph Merola, the dictator, tries to dismiss people as such when he is one himself and he thought that his message about how black people and women in his film that was questioned there was lack of would do damage control ?
It didn’t work, the thread eventually gets locked with their empty rhetoric:
Why aren’t there more black people in your movie? 22 Hours, 47 Minutes ago (Author: James Kush)
I want to make a comment about a certain angle of critique I have come in contact with and expand this rather trivial issue into a more important cultural point which many out there seem not to get – even in this day and age.
During the premiere of Zeitgeist: Moving Forward in LA on Jan 15th, a very kind women politely asked me why there “were not more woman in my film”. I responded to the effect that “well – I have to go where the data is.” She, of course, related and I feel her question wasn’t as much that she was offended by there not being “more women” in the film, but more to effect that others might feel some sort of bias by the fact. Fair enough, given the culture today.
So, I jump on a plane and go to New York City for the screenings there at Tribeca Cinemas. After the film ended on Jan 17th I was asked a similar question:
“Why aren’t there more black people in your movie?”
At first, I thought he was joking. In fact, I spent a good couple of minutes making fun of the question…only to find he was, indeed, not joking. He really felt the need to understand why, in his view, there were not “more black people” in the film. So, of course, I explained that race is an arbitrary factor on all levels and that I simply do not recognize race anymore and the idea of “politically correct media” isn’t a notion I care about for it is a contrivance which perpetuates a false need to be superficially “equal”… as though I should say to myself: “Hmmm – the film is good – but I think I need more woman, black people, native americans, middle easterners, jews, amish and handicapped people etc.”
That stated, I want to point out something: Data is data and the people who present it are arbitrary.
I’ll state that again:
Data is data and the people who present it are arbitrary.
It doesn’t matter who Peter Joseph is – what race he is or what his background is – what comes out of his mouth is DATA and each person must compute that data based on the merit of the data itself- not the machine (person) relaying it. The messenger is and will always be irrelevant. Humans are merely vehicles for information relay. They learn – they repeat / adjust based on the novel-ness of their life experience/frame of reference/understanding. Those who are biased against data because they don’t “like” the prima facie identity of the person or entity communicating the data are engaging in what I call “INTELLECTUAL BIGOTRY”.
For example, Let’s assume I do a movie on renewable energy and the featured person in the work who is discussing various mediums of renewables happens to be a Nazi… or a Scientologist or a Christian … whatever. Does that mean the info they state is now suspect or biased? Is a film which has a Nazi in it suddenly a “Nazi film” regardless of the context?
Sadly, this is how many people comprehend in this culture. They don’t want to think so they seek to isolate the person’s assumed character (race/background/job/whatever) and attack that… rather than listen to what they say. And yes, I know, I’m Peter Joseph, the “arrogant” , “satanist”, “communist”, “new world order”, “asshole” “megalomaniac”, “cult leader”, “conspiracy theorist.”… but hey – guess what: even if all those labels were true: IT CHANGES NOTHING.
Data is data and if there is anything the public needs to snap out of, it’s the belligerent bias of the “projected identity” notion that blinds people to actually listening/considering new information.
Now, with respect to the need for more “woman or black people” in my film I want to make a critical point: It is nothing but a racist/sexist disposition to demand that the vehicles of data transfer in a film or whatever are of a certain origin; in a “politically correct” context. Again – Data is data.
I call this “reverse racism/reverse bigotry”
Frankly, it is nothing but biased and racist for there to be “puerto rican day parades” or “Italian American day” It is nothing but biased and racist for there to be “black awareness month” It is nothing but biased and sexist for the idea of the “feminist” to exist in the arrogance it often does today. Aren’t we interested in equality? If so- it means that you do not promote your “institution” of gender/race/ideology above others- it means you recognize the historical bias against you and work for it to be “neutralized” – not elevated in a vindictive/ego sense.
I remember reading about Martin Luther King Jr.’s apprehension to the idea of “Black Power”. He knew. He understood that to try to make your race/sex or the like “outstanding” is equality as biased as the oppressive forces that started the sad trend of inequality we see today.
Is there a dire need to generate more equality across race, gender and class lines? Yes. But that doesn’t mean your race/gender/class happens to be “special”. We are human. Period. -PETER JOSEPH MEROLA