After the 3rd cult film came [Moving Forward], it would be expected that Zeitards would try to make more websites to support TZM more and more since that’s all they know how to do, surprisingly, the opposite is occuring.
We first look at the website dedicated to RBE and wants to name this city “Fresco City”:
A test city that couldn’t be promised and if it was, it would show strong signs of cult worship since the name of the city is named after Jacque Fresco himself even when you hear Jacque Fresco saying the following:
There’s no final architecture or final frontiers or final city. Even the best city I design, will be a straitjacket to the kids in the future. They’ll design their own cities, and if you make a statue of me, that holds back the future. -Jacque Fresco
The title of the website itself implies that they already knew how to solve world hunger which was failed advertisement to begin with and eventually went down because they realized that they really didn’t have solutions at all, but to tell more people to pipe dream about a RBE.
Then last we have the website for their cult’s mixtape called “Zeitgeist Mixtape”. It looks like they met theircompetition.
These are not signs of their cult, the Zeitgeist Movement, moving forward at all.
This review will constantly get updated and my recent style was inspired by Eric. Here’s the review:
The films starts off with this quote.
“In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful, must also reflect decay, and unless it wants to break down with its social function, art must show the world as changable, and help to change it.”
-Ernest Fischer
Interesting, when I pull this guy up, this is the first thing that comes up. “Life value analysis” huh Dr. John McMurtry ? I’m getting ahead of myself. Making fun of those who call TZM communism does not dismiss the argument. The Zeitgeist Movement even admits that it’s communism with different icing on the cake. So I’m not going to waste my time on that, it’s self explanatory. But the quote above is correct and not a misquote which is rare. I’m getting ahead of myself tho.
Then the fearmongering starts in static.
1. Unemployment rising. 2. The national debt. 3. Nuclear war.
Then it fades in from an excerpt from John Ortberg.
This tries to put the message that there’s no such thing as ownership and property, clearly on some Marxist rhetoric from the start, ringing in their usual rhetoric that they want all to be common heritage. As John’s speech is going, a scene from the ending ofZeitgeist: Addendumemerges as a tear drops on the ground and the tear spreads into a static flood. Then the flood surrounds the shoes and a suitcase of the Noel Hunter aka Tanktop. Then it goes back to the same person slowly up to the shoulder standing in the flood after the water level was higher before. This is already showing how fake it is and means that they all would have to move forward under water. They should be drowning and something, right ? So he looks around and sees a SIEMENS sign, but it’s not called SIEMENS, it’s called “SIEMELLS”. Instead of blurring out the real name, they made a phony one. This alone created controversyin the ending of Zeitgeist: Addendum before. It looks like all featured companies in the movie were fake-named as Noel looks around looking at them. Then Noel looks at a child laying down in a blanket homeless, the guilt inducing begins. Then Noel looks around and see people drinking wine and eating shrimp. Then Noel looks up and see a TV show about some program about people being hot, with chicks and with money, more like an infomercial. So Noel picks up his suitcase [suppose to be drowning] after what he just saw and begins to move forward as the credits begin to display.
It fades into an animation tale of Jacque Fresco telling his life story that he has repeated time and time again and is supposed to be more attractive this time because it’s now a cartoon. Well it’s not. He admits that he refused to pledge to allegiance but shows his patriotism when he's selling TVP products on his website and was a drop out. Then he says he had a lab when he was a teenager, that right there smells like bullshit already. So put on a mask because this shit is going to smell even more, this shit has to go.
Then it opens up with the 2nd quote:
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
-Margaret Mead
This is a valid quote as well, so far, no screw ups like previously.
The bottom line is that it is environmental conditioning that really affects 99% of our actions, and all diligent behavior studies have proven this time and time again.
99% ? That’s silly and let me explain why.
He also says that human beings are not really competitive when competition has proven to be the very thing to get us motivated in the business world to make bigger and better things. Innovation is still rising. To suggest competition can be eliminated entirely is idiotic as it can only be done if everyone in a RBE was hypnotically brainwashed to be passive and obeyed technical elitism called their “interdisciplinary teams”. RBE doesn’t present equality, it presents brainwashing to put it simply. This explains why a RBE could not work, because people are not only can be addicted to money and things related to money, but also outside that as well. To think that Peter Joseph Merola and his RBE can reduce 95 percent of crime is completely a joke and defines utopia itself. But I have been referred to look at a society called “Gaviota” if I spelled that right and couldn’t find anything about it. Jacque Fresco states that those who are looking for justice can’t be helped and will remain “unfixed”. It shows that changing human behavior isn’t so easy after all.
“It’s all in the genes”: an explanation for the way things are that does not threaten the way things are. Why should someone feel unhappy or engage in antisocial behavior when that person is living in the freest and most prosperous nation on earth? It can’t be the system! There must be a flaw in wiring someone”
Next, Dr. Robert Sapolsky talks about culture and past human history, he says that hunter gathers were less violent with each other than we are now. But there has been a TED TALK that says the opposite with Steven Pinker and that the violence we see today is gradually decreasing. Now this film and most Zeitards will say that if you die in anyway, it’s violence, poverty is violence, starving is violence. What’s next ? Someone dying from old age is violence ? Also you have Dr. Robert Sapolsky admitting that America is one of the most individualistic societies today with noticing capitalism and capitalism is bad now ? Encouragement of collectivism starts to come in here as to say that in order to avoid hierarchy and to get more altruism from people, you have to be a collectivist.
[Social Pathology]
So we are now suddenly introduced to Dr. John McMurtry, who doesn’t know what Supply and Demand means and it’s relationship according to economics, this section is called anti-economics ? It’s amazing too, because Peter Joseph Merola suggest that they can keep track of “demand” in the new system called a Resource-Based Economy as if the monetary system never ever had a formula for demand to begin with. If anyone goes back to the Zeitgeist Orientation film Peter Joseph Merola, you will see how he breaks this down when he gives the orange [fruit] example. Very simply, when there is scarcity of oranges, prices go up, abundance of oranges, lower prices. An economic mathematical model of understanding which RBE lacks. Peter Joseph Merola once again makes up his own words and definitions which he says can not be found in textbooks. He loves loading the language.
But of course, he’s a drop out, so what did you expect ? Peter Joseph Merola uses the same music and istock footage he used in Zeitgeist: Addendum, lectures, rhetoric and ZDAY cult activities which makes this look as if he didn’t even try hard enough to make the film. It becomes noticable in this section specifically. He also disrespects people by calling them “consumer robots” and don’t understand that when it comes to gifts and holidays, it’s the thought that counts and it’s about spending time with their families. None of the two is wasteful as he describes it. His attitude just shows how alone and isolated he is and why he is pathetic. His sarcastic voice is annoying and his profanity even caused trouble with his film on youtube. Because cussing at your audience is educational according to Peter Joseph Merola.
Then Peter Joseph Merola says if he was to make a table bullshit story, blah blah blah blah, okay, people who make products from scratch usually make things from resources around them. You can’t tell an Eskimo [for an example] to build a steel fridge if all there is around him is snow and ice. Even Stefan comments on this and says that what if people want to make something cheap for someone that may lose interest in quickly ? Makes sense. He offers the treehouse example and says that products breaking down isn’t some secret conspiracy. Even Jacque Fresco himself would agree with me on that because they don’t have the “frame of reference” to do so as Peter Joseph Merola coins it. Bad example to give by the cult leader. Peter Joseph Merola says that goods and services from a store doesn’t offer other people’s prices to compare with. Companies often do this thing called “price-matching” in order to try to keep business with the same customers or get new ones.
Then we have Peter Joseph Merola repeat that there’s no way the planet can escape from debt when this notion was debunked a long time ago by the name of G. Edward Griffin, he says:
“I practically fell out of my chair when the program repeated that old, silly argument about the Fed not creating enough money to cover the cost of interest on debt; and, therefore, the world must forever be in debt. I knew right there that the writer did not read The Creature from Jekyll Island or, if he did, he forgot my analysis of this common myth. For those who are interested in that topic, it is found on pages 191-192 [excerpt of it is in the comments somewhere] of The Creature.”
One of the most perplexing questions associated with this process is “Where does the money come from to pay the interest?” If you borrow $10,000 from a bank at 9%, you owe $10,900. But the bank only manufactures $10,000 for the loan. It would seem, therefore, that there is no way that you –and all others with similar loans– can possibly pay off your indebtedness. The amount of money put into circulation just isn’t enough to cover the total debt, including interest. This has led some to the conclusion that it is necessary for you to borrow the $900 for interest, and that, in turn, leads to still more interest. The assumption is that, the more we borrow, the more we have to borrow, and that debt based on fiat money is a never ending spiral leading inexorably to more and more debt.
This is a partial truth. It is true that there is not enough money created to include interest, but it is a fallacy that the only way to pay it back is to borrow still more. The assumption fails to take into account the exchange value of labor. Let us assume that you pay back your $10,000 loan at a rate of approximately $900 per month and that about $80 of that represents interest. You realize you are hard pressed to make your payments so you decide to take on a part-time job. The bank, on the other hand, is now making $80 profit each month on your loan. Since this amount is classified as “interest,” it is not extinguished as is the larger portion which is a return of the loan itself. So this remains as spendable money in the account of the bank. The decision then is made to have the bank’s floors waxed once a week. You respond to the ad in the paper and are hired at $80 per month to do the job. The result is that you earn the money to pay the interest on your loan, and –this is the point– the money you receive is the same money which you previously had paid. As long as you preform labor for the bank each month, the same dollars go into the bank as interest, then out the revolving door as your wages, and then back into the bank as loan repayment.
It is not necessary that you work directly for the bank. No matter where you earn the money, its origin was a bank and its ultimate destination is a bank. The loop through which it travels can be large or small, but the fact remains all interest is paid eventually by human effort. And the significance of that fact is even more startling than the assumption that not enough money is created to pay back the interest. It is that the total of this human effort ultimately is for the benefit of those who create fiat money. It is a form of modern serfdom in which the great mass of society works as indentured servants to a ruling class of financial nobility.”
[Project Earth]
Peter Joseph Merola starts with this section by giving everyone an assignment by suggesting to start from scratch and saying what if there were no countries or whatever, you can clearly hear that he’s stealing from Bucky Fuller from the way he is talking here. B. Fuller presented an identical assignment if anyone took the time to read this. Then you can see Jacque Fresco ripped off the same method if you read the beginning of the eBOOK “Designing The Future“.
But this pipedreaming just pushes you further away from reality instead of actually getting people to become real problem solvers. Day dreaming is not the answer. So he shits on religion, shits on politics and prays to science as he gives everyone this assignment as if he’s intelligent enough to pretend to be a teacher when he is known to be a pseudo intellectual. It’s hard as a movement to say that you are the activist arm of the Scientific Method when there are so many debates in Science that are still a topic of, like 9/11, global warming, etc. Then Peter Joseph Merola states that there has to be a global survey of the planets resources, but for many reasons listed shows that this can not be possible at all and if so would cost an unbelievable amount of money.
Even Peter Joseph Merola has stated on his lecture on Social Pathology, he says “In a report coming out of the AFP, there’s growing evidence that the current rate of our resource exploitation indeed has a time frame. The report states: “As it is, humanity each year uses resources equivalent to nearly one-and-a-half Earths to meet its needs” said the Global Footprint Network” and later on in this film saying two Earths in pushing to say that overpopulation is a problem when others disagree:
To sum it all up, for RBE to work, they will have to put in ideas into some central super computer without anyone sharing opinions and the world will be in better shape than what it is today according to Peter Joseph Merola. So Peter Joseph Merola comes to the conclusion that if you share common heritage instead of owning what’s actually yours, then there would be global abundance. Magic.
The term Resource-Based Economy is introduced along with Jacque Fresco to say that he came up with the idea in the 1970′s. He is called a structural engineer when that alone isn’t a deserved title for him. I find it funny because a clip of a Larry King interview gets played where Jacque Fresco is referred to someone as having a PHD when this is false, if he has one, then I do too.
As they continue on with the idea of a RBE, they suggest that their should be circular cities. The circular city concept is nothing new, it’s an idea that is well known presented by Walt Disney and this video proves how much Jacque Fresco copied from Disney World. But thecircular city concept [censored of course] wouldn’t work anyways as a critical thinker of the forums pointed out and was probably secretly banned.
Then he presents someone that talks about Reprap, which is open-source 3D printers that former members of TZM is working on themselves, a group of people that were actually doing things like he’s suggesting starting from last year, but decides to ban/blacklist for standing up to them and addressing the problems with the cult when TZM decided not be 100% open-source. But as of now, they are no longer a splinter group, for they no longer support anything RBE related because they think it’s nonsense now officially. All you have to do is see that the fact they use TS3 [TeamSpeak3]which is proprietary to know that they don’t support OS. Also, there is a video that points out his hypocrisy when he suddenly goes against his principles. This will be recognized as lying fluff as former members of TZM will look at the Zeitgeist Movement, the cult in their action of deception.
Then Peter Joseph Merola with Roxanne Meadows suggest that there is “technological unemployment”, but if this was true, we would have been losing jobs increasingly more and more, but more jobs are always created. Then Peter Joseph Merola says that with today’s technology, 75% of the jobs can disappear now ? Unlikely. Then Peter Joseph Merola says that people are not motivated by money when this can be pointed out as a lie as well.
But this peak oil stuff is a myth that has went on for centuries:
That’s it. It was the shortest section of the film.
People walk up to the police and stop, they look at each other, some business guy calls a police officer and the police officer drops his helmet and there’s peace all of the sudden. People “peacefully protesting” all of the sudden dump all their money in the streets as if no one would pick that up and grab it all. Then Noel Hunter aka Tanktop throws his suitcase at the police officers because this is the non-violent thing for him to do and cash comes out, only one can wonder what type of job he has or had before TZM. Then people look around and see all the countries protesting and supposedly the economy shuts down because Peter Joseph Merola was the director of this film and thinks that’s how things should be or will occur. Then all of the sudden crime rate goes up, state of emergency is declared. As you can see, something horrible is being predicted here. Then all of the sudden there in the future cult society in a high-tech classroom, the future generation with regular patio chairs learning about how they supposedly succeeded with really cheesy music at the end with no transition plan. In one of the trailers too, it says “the transition begins”. Talk about false advertisement. Here's thetranscript.