
Censored: Ohio And Los Angeles Chapter Coordinators Expose Zeitgeist Leadership

The responsibility for TZM turning to shit and becoming a failure rests squarely on Peter’s shoulders for stifling opposing views and surrounding himself with sycophants causing an echo chamber of groupthink.
Too many times did qualified and intelligent people get pushed out of the way while the mediocre asskissers get promoted like Gilbert Ishmael for example who was absolutely pathetic in his execution of his duties. But I guess thats what happens in a group that is squarely based off the promotion of Peter Merola. It’s a damn shame that a promising enterprise was wasted so quickly, leaving nothing but naive kids with no grasp of sociology or economics as the core group.
Kush and Co. Go easy on Matt. He is a good guy, I’m assuming more videos are on the way, keep in mind that Matt was trying to stop TZM from becoming cultlike in nature. When he and others started to attract support by being examples of people with integrity, suddenly, the banhammer was cast on him for simply being one of the few true voices for reason which is apparent why he was considered a threat.
Condescension, gullibility, paranoia, sheep mentality, those are some hallmarks for the modern hardcore TZM fan, minus a few good examples of decent people still left there, but even they are beginning to shift focus and move on.
Why all this backstabbing? Because the kool aid tells them that they will be the ones building the future, so they want to be as close to the top of the technocratic pyramid as possible and will do whatever they can to be among the new elite that would form, no matter how much their propaganda says there will be none.
Peter Joseph Merola is a conspiracy theorist. This is what conspiracy theorists do. They are narcissistic and often quite paranoid. The brighter among them set themselves up as alpha males who have their own little following by acknowledging the alpha among them as the “answer” as to why they are failures. Peter Joseph initially tried to attach himself to Jordan Maxwell and then Jacques Fresco. He basically got nowhere with Maxwell (who is even nuttier than PJM) and Fresco tried to steal his beta followers. This is what the split between TZM and TVP is really all about: two alphas arguing over who has the larger penis.
All of those who thought this was all about changing the world need to open their eyes. Fresco has been threatening to change the world for decades and all he has done is make plastic models of floating circular cities. Merola is someone who speaks in banal slogans but has nothing to offer but the rehasing of ideas by conspiracy theorists and Buckminster Fuller wannabees. It seems those in TZM are finally waking up to the realization that TZM really isn’t about democracy of any sort, that PJM doesn’t tolerate dissent, and that the movie really is the movement after all.
So I just read that article again by the former Los Angeles Coordinator and I recognized something..
April 2010: TVP breaks up with Earth 2.0
April 2011: TVP breaks up with the Zeitgeist Movement
April 2012: ?
I wonder who’s next.
Mario Brotha
April 2012 TVP breaks up with TVPchallenge after watching her presentation at Zday2012 in Vancouver????
You scared her and she didn’t show up lol.
Mario Brotha

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